It’s called old age. Or becoming senile. Take you pick in my experience with short attention syndrome. Either way, you’ll forget to worry about it soon enough.
wait I though I was reading about surfboards? ADD is the best scam one can ever be diagnosed with. I am. Apparently since I didn’t care about the stupid test which see if you agree with “sitting in a small room with nothing to do for hours is boring”, I have ADD. Now I get a note taker in my classes. I get all the time I need on test. I get to sign up for classes before EVERYONE AT MY COLLEGE (athletes and seniors included). Pretty good deal eh?
vitamin B-12 is availiable in sub lingual losenges
in massive doses like 66000times the rda
just about ta drop kick any ol memory,add through them goal posts
for a full score,and as a side benifit,
you can remember jokes and punchlines
in their proper order.
now where did I leave that jar?
I read B-12 is the one vitamin vegans can’t get and so they need to take a supplement. They call it the dirty vitamin. Now I was trying to go vegan but kept eating meat. Maybe I just forgot I was trying to be vegan. Or rather ovo lacto pescatarian.