Short single fin questions

Hi, I´m shaping a shortboard size single fin cruiser for myself (see attached pdf). Really shooting from the hip with the dimensions and shape here. I can´t get any cheap fins or fin boxes where I live, so I´m making an 8 inch glass on fin similar to this: Longboard Fins | Single, Pivot, Flow & More | FCS.

NOw for the questions:

1 ) I have some ideas on where to put the fin, but would like it if any of you guys could chime in. Worst case I could just cut it off and move it later, no big deal. The aim is stability more than looseness, but somewhat balanced.

  1. I´m going to try a slight belly in the nose, with 50/50 rails from nose to center for locking in to the wave. Stupid question: do I make a resin dam in the tail starting at the fin to have a sharp bottom edge as I would on a standard shortboard or should I keep it somewhat rounder (tucked maybe?) to reduce looseness?

Grateful for any feedback

I took a look.      If you use that fin, make the leading edge blunt, and set the fin with the base leading edge, repeat, base leading edge, 11 inches up ftom the tail.        Everything else looks to be ‘‘in the ballpark.’’      Go get 'em!

Thanks a lot, Bill, really appreciate it.

Any ideas about the tail rail? On the boards I´ve done so far I´ve always put a hard down rail in the tail area, but doesn´t that seem kind of wrong on this?


  No, I do it frequently.        You only need it for about the last 8 inches. (referring to the resin dam)     I like a hard down tail rail.     You’ve got plenty of fin, for a board that size.        You don’t need extra help holding the tail in the wave.