Shortening a board

Firstly, I am not a shaper and I am new to the world of the idioscyncracies of surfboard design and mechanics. That being said, I just have a quick question I am sure some of you will be able to answer. 

I have a 6’2, 19 7/8 wide, 2 3/4 thick epoxy (with s-glass) grovel shortboard, low entry rocker and The bottom has a slight vee in the nose and a single concave through the middle. The extra beef and width, along with ease paddling and getting into waves has helped my surfing improve over the last few years. I used the board in most conditions from 2-6 ft for about 2 years, rather than pulling out the shortboard at all. Now I feel more comfortable on my standard shortboard. (6’1, 18 1/2, 2 3/16) and use that in most conditions above 3 ft. The old grovel shortboard I mention above is still good in 3-5 ft mush, but it’s too long to be really fun and effective in the really small and crappy stuff. So…I was wondering 1. if it is possible to cut some length off the nose. I would like to take it down to about 5’11. I don’t even know if this is possible. Would this completely ruin the outline of the board, the rocker, the hydrodynamics…etc?? Or would it be possible to take some foam off, shape it into a more rounded nose, and re-glass it? 


Appreciate any answer or idea.  



Wide point, nose width, rocker, etc. will be changed. I doubt it will make any significant difference…maybe I’m wrong?

good luck,


just do it, I know guys who have snaped a few inches off their noses and sworn the board goes better, less swing weight maybe ??? but if its not in the water, whats it doin, no rail lines or curves have been changed…just do it…you know you wanna…

Id say it DO IT! but it depends on the value of the board but I just cut down a 6'6 twin that wasnt really worth anything and I hated the way it rode - I wanted a shorter board with a wide/square nose and also something to experiment on.

I have pics of what I did, happy to post up for peeps to point and laugh at.

I love the new board, It paddles great still - the only thing Id say is I have to be slightly further forward than normal to get it to 'plane' nicely so tend to pop up slightly too far forward occasionally, but I have only had a chance to use it a handful of times in fairly crappy waves.

Its 6" shorter than before and has definately changed the dynamics. Id imagine on a shortboard taking a few "'s off the nose wouldnt make much odds unless its got a really low nose rocker.

I also cut the twin fins down and glassed a monster single on! So its pretty much a new board now.

Id just be careful not to ruin something you could sell on!