Shortening cure time...

Is it possible to safely shorten the cure time on a new board? I don’t want to wait the reccommended time of 2 to 4 weeks!

Is it possible to safely shorten the cure time on a new board? I don’t > want to wait the reccommended time of 2 to 4 weeks!..You dont have to. If the board was dry enough to sand and polish, its ready to surf. Wax it up and hit it…OK, you may want to wait till the sun comes up.

Scott is correct. aloha,tw

This is an amazing question…there are only two answers…wait or don’t. I have had friends get boards shaped at the same shop and one guy said wait at least a week, another said “I glassed it two days ago, it is ready to ride” I have a another friend that has a big foot print in the middle of his board and he blames it on not waiting to surf on it. I feel confident in the answers on this page but can you explain why some people insist on waiting???

This is an amazing question…there are only two answers…wait or > don’t. I have had friends get boards shaped at the same shop and one guy > said wait at least a week, another said “I glassed it two days ago, > it is ready to ride” I have a another friend that has a big foot > print in the middle of his board and he blames it on not waiting to surf > on it. I feel confident in the answers on this page but can you explain > why some people insist on waiting??? Dave Parmenter penned a great article published on entitled “A surfboard is not a ham” which convinced me that boards are ready to go right from the glass shop. Check it out.

This is an amazing question…there are only two answers…wait or > don’t. I have had friends get boards shaped at the same shop and one guy > said wait at least a week, another said “I glassed it two days ago, > it is ready to ride” I have a another friend that has a big foot > print in the middle of his board and he blames it on not waiting to surf > on it. I feel confident in the answers on this page but can you explain > why some people insist on waiting??? The flex factor. A short cure board has no time to “temper” the glass in to a flex memory thing. And flex is lost much quicker than normal. Sometimes twice as fast. Shouldn’t matter toooo much on a logger. I would never cut the cure time short on one of my personal boards (short boards only). It’s hard enough to find that magic combination with out starting out with a flex handicap. But this is just “my” opinion. I would like to hear what some of the forum heavies have to say about this. Anybody? Jake

I use the two week period after laminating the fiberglass only. So with the other processes (hot coat, gloss, fins) the time is cut from finished the board to about 7 to 10 days.>>> Is it possible to safely shorten the cure time on a new board? I don’t > want to wait the reccommended time of 2 to 4 weeks!

So I guess what most of you are saying is that a board is cured in a couple days after completion. A little longer when the weather is cold. No reason to wait 2 weeks.>>> Is it possible to safely shorten the cure time on a new board? I don’t > want to wait the reccommended time of 2 to 4 weeks!

So I guess what most of you are saying is that a board is cured in a > couple days after completion. A little longer when the weather is cold. No > reason to wait 2 weeks. The other option is a uv curing resin. With uv resin you can laminate, hot coat and sand your board in a day-no waiting and the board is fully cured. If you are having some glass the board just chose the person that uses the uv resin and you are laughing all the way to the surf!

Stefan, I seem to have lost your phone and e-mail contact. Are you still doing the FCS fins? I have a friend who wants them. Patrick