should I be worried

should I be worried and if so what is the recommended course of action. I just glassed the bottom of my first board and it came out way better than I expected… except on the back rail right above the sharp edge of the bottom I didn’t properly press the fiber glass to the board and there’s clearly a thin cavity thats about 6 inches long. it’s relatively stiff to the touch and it follows the contours of the board nicely, it’s not bloated or bubbling. I’m just concerned about future delam or something along those lines. should I just glass over it with 4 ounces and a hot coat like planned or should I ___________________. I’m shaping on a 2lb eps with epoxy. I’m sorry if this is in the wrong spot it’s my first time posting and I did some research on bubbles but all the stuff I found was considerably worse than mine or the advice given seemed tailored to that situation. thank you

Just pack some resin in there with your finger

do I have to like cut it open to do that or you think it’ll seep through

Hah forgetaboutit if your first board came out better than expected you’ve probably already been mind building your next board for a while now.

Like Aqua recommends.

Take a gloved hand…lube it up (with resin) and pack it in there. There are most likely holes in your fiberglass that will allow you to force resin into the void. Then Hotcoat as if nothing ever happened.
