Just a shout out to Blending Curves.  I've built 3 boards in the past few months using templates off of his site.  Just want to publicly thank him for a great resource and un-selfishly sharing his time and effort.

Built off of a template.




Hey mako224,




I’m glad to hear people are using the site.  I plan on updating during xmas break so stay tuned.  Board looks great!



Thanks also from me !! love all my egg templates 

Very generous of you jjlam, hope you get to make some dough off it someday.

People can always donate but the site will remain free.

Thanks JJlam. I’ve got a 6’3" B Nugget on the way.

I also use(d) templates. Simple and great website. Fantastic source! Thanks to Andrew!

just used a template (with some slight modification) for my new sled!

I’ll back what everyone else has said. Great idea and well executed. I’ve just downloaded a couple and will enjoy carving them out (eventually). I’ll even include the logo as a decal if you like. Credit where credit’s due…


No credit needed.  Thanks CassS!

SOLVANG!?  Haha.  I'm over here in Lompoc.  Too funny.  I just took a look at the sight a few days ago. 

Yes great page thanks im doing a 6’0 retro fish from there now would love some ideas for quad fin set up

Well Swaylocks is definitely the right place for such information.  I’d start with the search function.