…because I’ve already been shown your ‘racks’ !! …lucky me, eh ?!
[" woody " fits into this , somewhere, ’ no doubt ’ !]
…because I’ve already been shown your ‘racks’ !! …lucky me, eh ?!
[" woody " fits into this , somewhere, ’ no doubt ’ !]
Mine looks exactly like my garage. Exactly.
… ‘show me your garage’
your cupboard, or your wine cellar, or your balcony , or your roof, or your loungeroom, or your basement, or your shop…
…Where else do you guys shape your boards?
" Dane’s 4 ’ 11 " fish " I shaped in my bathroom… and hicksy and gray have both seen the size of that [ the bathroom, not the fish ]
Resinheads: The Purple Shaping Cave, and the Glassing Palace.
shaping bay is 9x13
Chippy here’s a pic of my porch with home depot folding shaping stand.Glass boards on plastic
over in the grass.Sand at boatyard.
Nice gallery. I like the socks on the stands.
Hey CHip
Amazing where boards are whittled out! There is a picture of my bay on my site. Just one wall but the other side is similar just with a workbench. wall clock and thermometer is essential. I have heat and A/C now too! Use Home depot foam to cover windows while doin U/V lams. Highly reccommend the U/V if you have the spot. I won’t lam with mekp at all any more…
Good thread
Yo Spence I like that blank.Looks like the beginning of a nice rolled bottom.I would be tripping and hanging up my cord on the bottom of those stands though.LOL RB
Hey I take that back.I see now that it’s the deck.I lost my glasses.Sorry RB
… ‘show me your garage’
Mine looks exactly like my garage. Exactly.
So does mine.
If you do a search there is this topic in the archives,
Here is mine,
See attachment.
DMAN - I also drape my tool & storage racks with tarps when mowing foam. Makes for much easier cleanup in a small, multi-use space.
Last time I put a photo of my shop on here I caught flak. Surfore said his wife was yelling at him about the mess in my garage. It was even called “as bad as Spitzer’s”. So I cleaned it up & rearranged some stuff. But no new photos yet…
when foam is being removed thenitlooks like my side walk next to my garage or the patio behind my house?(no direct sunlight) and i will be building a glassing room but i have these nice moveablew shaping stands my dad and i made
You guys make me quasi jealous…
mine has come a ways since this pic though… will update later today… that is the palooke wahine on the rack.
Spence -
Nice job on the Mind Machine photo essay! Shows how much goes into shaping a hull bottom. The forward hull blending to the single/double concave shows some really fine shaping skill. Also thanks for showing it like it is… I get all pissed off when I see magazine ads of some guy who has obviously cleaned up each planer cut to make it look like a precision bevel - as if anybody really shapes like that! Every shaper I’ve ever seen (except maybe Jim Phillips in the master Shaping video or perhaps a computerized machine) cleans up their planer cuts with a sanding block exactly like you show on your site.
My wife made me bag the area.
here is the old bay…where board #1 was built and
here is the new bay still evolving but getting ready for the next project.
it is a smaller space but it will be a perminant shapping/glassing room/workshop.
hope to get it painted and get the lights shelved and mounted soon,
but for now they are just ballanced like in the origional bay.
b.t.w. what height are your lights?
a) level with the top of your shaping stands
b) above and by how much?