Show us your fabric inlays

Thanks man. I am actually in Japan and this is the real stuff. I can get some AMAZING fabrics here. I am going to do a test panel on it before I put it on the board. It sucks because I have to cut out some of the best design/art work on the sides to make it fit (there are cherry blossoms worked into the design on the sides of the dragon)

Ready for water testing.’%207".jpg

It looks it’s going to be a fast longboard.  I like the way you re-purpose old boards. 

I like those old school style pin tails!

This should be nice when its done.  Please post finished pictures.

Hey Dennis, when I bought the old boards, I was trying to stay on the cheap side. I get too much chinese style in me. Now Bernie and I have the 10’ EPS blanks and I still have a couple 9-4s  from Pacific Allied. We can make a couple nice ones when the time comes.

I hope this new one works out. Winter is here and to surf the south side I’ll need something like this.

I just love this color combination and had to make another board using these colors again. 7’6” x 23” x 3” Scorpion style pin tail.

wow, SharkCountry and Uncled, those are beaut’s. Hope to see them in person this next year.
all the best

Is there anyone here who is interested in continuing this thread?

I could show some pics of Inlays, my clients sended me…

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I am for sure! Let’s kick it back up.

8’0" and 9’2", these are the 2nd and 3rd boards I’ve ever shaped and glassed myself.

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:grinning: yeah, lets go!

a Short one on my youtube channel: Design

-Did the Design Creation and Inlay production for this one.

Foilboard I made with a fun print.


BEAUTY!! Love the cutlap!

This is pretty boss!

Some beautiful work shown. I have dabbled with fabric but so far only to hide repairs! I’ve also used Rice paper cartoons to hide ugly repairs on old boards. I cheated on the one shown and traced art that I found but have also hand drawn my own as well.

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I know this is old, but what a unique cut around the leash plug

thanks for resurrecting this thread , some great stuff here !

mine have mostly been fin panels I’ve made

