Show us your Finless

Hi i have been keen to try a finless board after watching a guy slide sideways out of the lip into a pit and make it. 

while i did not get a close look at his board it was missing a tail chunk, toe side half circle i seem to remember. i have also seen this before in a article on Derek Hynd desert trip a last year. But really i am just after some ideas.










 that link comes up as Page does not exist, but it might just be me.

Have you seen the Seaglass tuna and albacore? I have a albacore, fun but not kind to dodgy knees

Yeah I have seen the rabbits feet before they look real nice. You be at Byron bay festival of surf again this year? 

pretty likely, yeah!  was a good time last year though I dont think I’ll be bringing 9 boards with me on the flight this time, HA!  what an adventure that was…

well i was surfing out at the point today and it turns out it was a rabbits foot he was sliding. i had a bit of a look in the water and the bottom contours are pretty crazy, it would be pretty hard to try to replicate but i am keen to have some sort of attempt at one now i have seen how well they work. Very well done you have made it work
and it looks too much fun.