Show us your Gaths

Not a fan of off-white so I taped and sprayed this one.

Inspirational. Now I need to paint my bike helmet. And all my grandkid’s helmets. Pics to follow. 

People still use those?

More than ever. Especially popular with photogs and prone riders.

Everybody up here wears a head covering, but it’s 4 ml. Neoprene, Yulex etc.   Haven’t seen a Gath in years.  Closest thing I’ve seen are those cute little Go-Pro helmets that the baggers on those BMW touring bikes wear,

well, there’s this:

I left my Gath boring white. I did contemplate painting it bright orange and possbly adding strobe lights, just to keep the blind idiots away. But I got it for a particular shallow rock break that I haven’t been back to in a long, long time. It’ll keep.

Though - the Arai pictured did come with several Arai stickers. I’m tempted to put a couple on the Gath, just to confuse onlookers. 


And for those of you without your reading glasses.

Spent a month in Margaret’s River back in the day, pretty much all the older locals wore Gaths, many with visors, all about the UV protection…motley crew with whittled noses, lips and ears from the skin docs cutting out the bad bits…they’d give the helmets to their kids and let them have it with spray paint, paint pens, etc…made for a hella colorful collection in the lineup

took my son to Fiji when he was 15, we wore Gath helmets, I’d sprayed blue  so we could find each other in the lineup…get hauled over the reef, could be MIA for half an hour…here’s my son, in his blue Gath, facing down a beast 2x the size of previous sets that suddenly appeared…wondering how I was going to explain to my wife 'uh, honey, we lost the boy…“…wave rolled through and a blue dot popped up out the back, son had somehow duck dove it…'well, you said, Dad, if I ever got caught to fight through it with everything I had” …guy next to him?  Hell ride over the reef, board gone, reef cuts galore…

Gday John, Good to hear that you are alive and kicking.  Bob


Great thread.  THanks Surfoil.

Icc, great story.

All the best, boys, all the best