Show us your Resin Art

How much resin gets left in the bucket and then dumped?

I have been using 18"x18" 1/2" MDF boards (left over packing pannels from work) for drip boards, a place to put my resin bucket, and as a wet-out table for ding repair glass.

One day I poured out all of my left over resin from a red swirl board on the MDF.It looked neat.

After a few boards it looks like this.

after photo shop

I have a neighbor who does nude oil paintings on burl venner with resin on top.It is not as cheesy as it sounds, will have to find a pic.

SG had some cool resin art this year.

Show us what is in the bucket,on the work bench,or hung up in your house if the wife lets you.


a buddy of mine pours his leftover out over a plexiglass windows…makes for some grooviness when the sun shines.

Ive got some I’ll post… just need to take some pics…


what a great idea for a thread. looking forward to the pictures to come.

Howzit Lavarat, I know 1 glasser who takes the plastic that comes on the ends of rolls of glass and stacks them to about 5’ tall and then pours left over pigmented resin which drips down and then turns them into lamp stands, they are pretty cool looking. I used to pour mine into small containers and make cup coasters.Aloha,Kokua