thankyou janklow. i like it a lot. should be surfing it now acutally. wife has car
Some of those resin pins blow my mind, paul, yours are so clean looking! How do you guys get the pins to sit down so flat and clean? I tried resin pins on my first board to cover the bad cutlap edge, but they went on too thick or something and after hotcoating and then sanding/polishing the gloss makes it really apparent that they stand up above the rest of the deck by a little bit… just this soft lump all the way around. …admittedly, absolutely everything that could have gone wrong with that glass job did, so the pins were the least of my worries!
check you pm kyle
fun hippy stuff much better than blank foam boards!
Hi, this is still my favourite thread, so much cool stuff…
Just done one side of my fun shape board, 6’5" x 20 7/8" x 3" , will do other side tomorrow hopefully with some ’ fun hippy stuff’, I never really know what its going to come out like,thats part of the fun! thanks for the lam from sways which i managed to put on this board, ill post some more pics once I have done deck…
Hey Mate, Whats so good about THAT board???
Two things:
1: It looks bloody great!
2: You're doing it with your son!
How good is that! I'm actually about to do my first resin tint and they are the same colours I've got. Lets hope I can do as good a job as you guys!
Does your wife leave the house when you glass your boards in the garage and complain about the smell to?
This is a board for a mate that i’ve just glassed. it stayed with that colourway. ie. the bottom 2/3 stayed white. pretty happy with it, i’ve only be experimenting with tints on the last 3 boards.
sorry if the pic turns out huge, my photoshop died
Hey Jim, great boards mate, and good advice. You say not to overwork the cloth because you'll get mud, what do you mean by mud? The resin becomes all muddy like and hard to spread? I'm starting to panic about my first one now! lol
What a great Surfboard, never seen a better design! very very very impressive
Wow, thats fantastic! 2 1/2 days well spent. You've done the time and got the rewards! Almost seems to good to ride....ALMOST
Real nice work there Ken. I've just done my first blue with a white swirl through it but the cloth still seems pretty visible after the hot coat. Is that because of my colour choice?
Here is the top of the board I posted earlier in the thread, colours ended up pretty wild.
Question: I left a bit of an area around logo so as not to obscure it too much under colours but I could have put logo on after and just hot coated on over the top, is this hows its sometimes done?
hot coat still to go on then fin box and fcs side fins…
Ok well after seeing everybodys work here, it kind of makes it more difficult to post..
this board is EPS Epoxy with as you can see yelow pigment...
a few more pictures..
another pic before gloss coat
First post from a longtime beneficiary. Many thanks to all on Swaylocks for sharing your knowledge. A few recent products of the workshop:
Sunday, 10'1"
Creepy Gene, 6'1"
Ferguson, 7'6"
Le Petit Chou, 9'0"
The Pony Express, 9'6"
a nice 9'10" that just finished up