This is a board I finished for a friend recently, he’s been riding it for a month now and is very happy with the performance…
I fucked up the front section of the rough decking that I applied,
I had never used this stuff before, and I mixed it too dry resulting
in a white color not clear as it should be… I had always used
sugar or salt in the past, and have never sprayed on the pro.
materials before… I adjusted the mixture by thinning it out and the
rest of the decking looks much better… I now know what the proper
mix ratio should be…
I also dyed the bottom bamboo using a green color that was too dark
in my opinion, once you apply the dye, you can’t change things…Live
and learn. .eh??
Other than that, the board rocks, and the owner is extremely stoked with the ride…
Dimensions: 5’-6" x 18.25 x 12@ nose x 14.5" @tail x 2" thick… 1.5# eps core ,
,fully encapsulated in 4# and 5# Core-Cell, c/w bamboo veneered bottom… First Epoxy acid splash deck inlay attempt…
Wild looking Pro -Box Guy Takayama glass fins… I have these
on my board too, they’re awesome, the body is stiff while the weird
swept back tips flex off a lot more than traditional glass
fins… I knew I wanted these on my boards the minute I saw them
!!.. Very TOMO looking in design…
I need to buy more!! Larry, how 's about a promotional discount price… lol…
Cheers Kiterider…")
Copied from post on “what are you working on thread” Sorry for the additional bullshit below, I don’t know where that came from, and I don’t know how to get rid of it!
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here's some pics Ben... not great photos but, you can see what the fins look like... i like these fins too as long as the surf is overhead... i've got the quad and thruster set. haven't used the thruster set yet...
Both my friend and I weigh over 200# The fins are fairly large and the flexible swept tips seem to work really well when powered up with a kite in turns…
I have a set of Quadfires that I’m dieing to try next, just have to make sure they don’t get anywhere near my body parts!
Love these GT’s though… I knew I had to have them when I saw their picture on the Pro-Box site…
Both my friend and I weigh over 200# The fins are fairly large and the flexible swept tips seem to work really well when powered up with a kite in turns...
makes sense, seems like they need some juice to light up
I have a set of Quadfires that I'm dieing to try next,,,, just have to make sure they don't get anywhere near my body parts!
oooh, i wanna try some of those... i've got a set of these:
that i've used only once but, the quad placement that i had wasn't correct for them. too spread out. i need to try them out closer together now that i've added some more boxes to my frankenstein board.
I just tried something new: starting with transluscent violet, I poured two equal pots of this. Then added some blue in one and some pink in the other. Then proceeded to try and keep the violet/blue on one side of the stringer and the violet/pink on the other side. Not too angry about how it turned out, for a first try…