Show us your wackiest boards

No limits
Weird, crazy and insane
Yeah, I do some offbeat stuff.
And I’m holding my zenith.
So, grab your balls
If they are big enough
Post up your strange…

I have a few to contribute here, but my doozy is stored elsewhere, and will probably be a little while before i could dig it out, or dig up some old pics. I will tho, when I can.

The green board looks pretty tame, but its made from 2×6 redwood for the rails with 1/4" plywood top and bottom and no structure inside whatsoever. It was a dud I hated surfing it cuz the deck was so spongy!

The longboard I built with a traditional shape but I intentionally tweaked the stringer all wonky. You would be shocked at how many people stare at it and can see something is off but cannot figure out exactly what it is!

Then the ugly stepsister was a board I sold after only riding it once, so who knows if it was any good or not? Probably a dog!

The others are kinda self explanatory.

Aged 14.
If you look closely there’s 5 vents in a V pattern on the hull.
One of many creative designs.

That crooked stringer board is a riot.

Love that quote Matt!

Yeah Barry,
There remains a few of us…
S R F D C O !!!
You slay me, 14 ?
Holy shit brother, you may win “the youngest” warped award.
Ah, no real value, other the badge of honor !
That board is TRULY SICK.
Ya know, Morey (the spaceman) was there, (vents) way back when.
Huck, the wood is extreme, and I am on my knee at the skill.
I can understand, that performance is an unforgiving God.
Shame, your work in wood is great, maybe later, eh?
Point, the “Twisted sister” damn! Plumb forgot about that one!!!
Just have to say, a milestone for the wackiest classic!

what’s da madd’a you guys?
No balls???
Post up!

Back when Balsa was making his version of Bing’s Pipeliner, I got inspired to try something similar. I like Downing’s boards, so I took the back half of their Makaha long board, and the front half of their gun and drew up a template. I already had 2 stringers I made from gluing up 1" thick balsa. My work space is a little cramped, so I can’t stand the board up and look at them. After drawing out the outline, I was too lazy to carry the blank out to where I could get a good look at it, and started cutting out the board. It was after cutting most of the board out that I realized the template was backwards. In hind sight the board turned out OK, it’s turns nice with the wide point back. Just looks funny.

To redeem my self for the pigliner, I reshaped an older board I made to the proper outline of what I wanted in the pipeliner. I think this is about 8’ long maybe 20.5 wide. This shot is right after laminating and hot coat. It has a triplane bottom, a concave middle section and 2 very slightly bellied panels. The stringers are where the panels meet.
Interestingly, I used 4:1 epoxy for part of the deck and it turned an ugly brown. People would ask if it was an old Brewer. The deck is green now and the bottom was untouched.

I started making boards to do what the experienced guys wouldn’t… experiment. I learned a lot of the reasons why these experienced guys won’t do what I did. Luckily, I was making blanks from cheap EPS for about $5, and using low cost glass from ebay. There was a period around 2006 when I was getting bad PU blanks for under $30 and blocks of EPS from construction companies for just a few dollars.
Went through all kinds of bottom contours, did a variety of bellies and triplanes, played with rocker from very little to none to a lot. The board on the right has very little rocker, but I found it works great in slopy waves. Some of the breaks on the south side here have those kinds of walls.

Eh sharkcountry
Great stuff!!!

Got a friend, yeah?
here on the mainland and another on Maui.
They both hung out with John Kelly in the 70’s
So they funded the Scorpion project.
5 boards total, the first 3 to test.
Shit, it was so weird, I had to lay out backwards to get the radical rocker of the scorpion shape.
And to, add to the shrapnel in my hand grenade, the nose (or tail) rocker was severe.

The Kelly Hydroplane surfboard is a predecessor of what Greenough is doing with the edge boards. Kelly was one of the early “modern” surfers and I would think that his knowledge about surfboards would have been deep. Kelly, Wally Froiseth, Woody Brown and a few others are responsible for pushing the limits of the old wood boards.
My uncle grew up on the water along the gold coast of Waikiki. My uncle wasn’t a surfer, but he knew John Kelly. I think he said it was from fishing the water right off their house. After his father died, he convinced his mom to sell the house and they moved inland. This is the house he lived in. My grandfather’s oldest and youngest brothers lived along the water there. Uncle Jimmy, the youngest, was a surfer and part of the old time Waikiki crew.
I’m back to using a constant curve rocker I came up with in 2005 and I really like it. I should have stayed with it, but I got into flat rockers and I was enjoying the way they worked in small weak waves. Then I got into a McCoy mode and was trying to make my interpretation of his nugget style boards. Next area of research will be the continuously decreasing curve rocker.

Not a wacky board, but take a good look at the leash. Probably about 1974 or 1975. Nylon cord inside of surgical rubber tubing. These were supposed to stretch a little then stop, but they were deadly.


first board I made that started my whole compsand advernture
took a class on compsand from Charlie Price to make this as a Christmas present for Sharkcountry
worse possible shape to learn how to bend balsa over EPS but Charlie made it all simple and fun and got me hooked
made many more of the same shape since then

the last one was a unique trip
my take on Bert Burger’s “magic carpet” special
6’4" x 23" x 1.75" inches thick
woven bamboo deck and bottom skins foam fins

The weirdest glass job I’ve done so far.

Charlie = BB30 ?


My 2nd board. First time with epoxy.

Amazingly after testing I seemed to get the fin placement, asymmetric rocker and asymmetric outline right. However, picking up that spare vector net made the tail an abortion. What was I thinking.

It slows down on backhand turns due to the asymmetric rocker deleting the concave channel… I guess I should have done the rocker adjustment first and then done the channel. Or left the rocker alone… I guess it taught me that messing with the rocker in a flat bottomed board isn’t so difficult.

It was surprising to me that it seems to work OK with all these adjustments.


attaching my leash through the stringer has probably gotta be wacky in somebody’s book