Signing your finished work!

QUESTION…With respect to signing a surfboard when it’s done…do some of the “name” shapers sign work that has been done (chiefly) by their workers!!! I’ve heard that this is sometimes done -not unlike the old renaissance art guilds -where an apprentice would paint almost the whole painting - then the “master” would come by…make, perhaps, a few changes…then put his OWN “John Handcock”…(or, in this case, his “Michaelangelo”) -on the work! How much of this type of thing occurs (to any of your collective knowledge)?! _ Rumor, or fact?! I’ve never - personally - been around when any of this alleged activity has taken place . Just plain curious…Dish me, please. Aloha, T.

QUESTION…With respect to signing a surfboard when it’s done…do some of > the “name” shapers sign work that has been done (chiefly) by > their workers!!! I’ve heard that this is sometimes done -not unlike the > old renaissance art guilds -where an apprentice would paint almost the > whole painting - then the “master” would come by…make, > perhaps, a few changes…then put his OWN “John Handcock”…(or, > in this case, his “Michaelangelo”) -on the work! How much of > this type of thing occurs (to any of your collective knowledge)?! _ Rumor, > or fact?! I’ve never - personally - been around when any of this alleged > activity has taken place . Just plain curious…Dish me, please. Aloha, T. I know that this is common practice. It’s still the “names” design and in my opinion it shouldn’t matter who shaped it unless you are you buying their autograph. The architect draws the design and the construction company builds it. This used to bother me too but I realized that man these things are just plastic although beautiful.

QUESTION…With respect to signing a surfboard when it’s done…do some of > the “name” shapers sign work that has been done (chiefly) by > their workers!!! I’ve heard that this is sometimes done -not unlike the > old renaissance art guilds -where an apprentice would paint almost the > whole painting - then the “master” would come by…make, > perhaps, a few changes…then put his OWN “John Handcock”…(or, > in this case, his “Michaelangelo”) -on the work! How much of > this type of thing occurs (to any of your collective knowledge)?! _ Rumor, > or fact?! I’ve never - personally - been around when any of this alleged > activity has taken place . Just plain curious…Dish me, please. Aloha, T. If I had a nickle for every unsigned board I have shaped. I do at least 6 labels a week that the owners sign and a lot of them are the “biggies” . I do the kinds of shapes they are incapable of doing or they are so “modeled” out they can’t see the light of day for all of the foam. You look at the numbers and think, how can one man shape all of these boards?

QUESTION…With respect to signing a surfboard when it’s done…do some of > the “name” shapers sign work that has been done (chiefly) by > their workers!!! I’ve heard that this is sometimes done -not unlike the > old renaissance art guilds -where an apprentice would paint almost the > whole painting - then the “master” would come by…make, > perhaps, a few changes…then put his OWN “John Handcock”…(or, > in this case, his “Michaelangelo”) -on the work! How much of > this type of thing occurs (to any of your collective knowledge)?! _ Rumor, > or fact?! I’ve never - personally - been around when any of this alleged > activity has taken place . Just plain curious…Dish me, please. Aloha, T. Hi, a few months ago I bought a cosmetic second board ($250.00 discount) at the Tyler shop, I was told that the board was shaped by Tyler but his signature is not on the board the only thing is a serial #. Does anyone know if he still shapes all his boards, I know he doesn’t glass all anymore. By the way the board rides great and the cosmetic thing is almost unnoticeable. Thanks in advance for any info.

Tom, This is your work (i’m assuming)! If you done good then sign it! Brag to your friends abit…I’ll bet they haven’t built a board! JC

Even Rusty has signed his shaper’s boards. However, his shapers do sign their boards and I appreciate that. I particularly like Russo’s shapes. HIC and tyhe big guys who have many shapers have each shaper sign his own shapes. But plenty of the big guys have signed a Picasso at least once in there lifetime. The best thing to do is to look at the board and judge it on its merrits. PS. Signing your name makes the glass job heavier because resin has to fill in the letters…SHHHHHHHHHHAKKA!

I was wondering where all those boards I shaped went.Herb.

Thanks, boys, for the excellent thread of responses! good to discuss stuff like this…ESPECIALLY at a place like “Sway’s”. It makes this forum more genuine. Right on! By the way, STEVE, I really got a kick outta the comment about the “weight increase” from the “filling in of the autograph with resin”…silly buggah!!! Aloha, Tom v. P.S. Somebody mentioned that they really dug the shapes that a fellow named, Russo - does for Rusty Priesendorfer. That bro was originally from NEW YORK! He’s come a long way…good for him. P.P.S. - you’re all so true about a shape speaking for itself…you can’t beat good design…When something’s apparent, there’s no denying it! Laters, T.