Simmons Templates & Stubbies / Hull Templates

Does anyone have Simmons templates and Stubbies / Hull templates that they are willing to trade for traces of templates from my own collection?

I have a Greenough Spoon template, but it’s not really what I’m after.

I have quite a template collection. I gave Paul Jensen traces of all of my shorter board templates. I have longer board templates as well, but 13 of them have to be re-cut and tuned as the originals were taken from my shop while I was away. Luckily I found replacements for some of them that I had copied to brown paper.

Paul, is there any way I could get you to send me back copies of what I had already sent to you so I can make new ones? I seem to be missing some of those as well. I’ll send the long templates that I already traced for you. I dug them out over the weekend.


Well alrighty then…

Hey Dave,

This was my best guess at the outline for a mini-simmons. I don’t claim to be a master shaper or surfer, but this outline works well for me. I have only made one mini-simmons from this outline, but I have ridden this board almost everytime I have gone out since I shaped it this summer. If you want a full scale pdf that you can take to kinko’s then let me know and when I get home today I can email it to you otherwise here is a small scale pdf outline and the associated AKU shaper file. Don’t pay any attention to the rocker or thickness, I just AKU shaper to give me outlines. Hope this is what you were looking for…




You’re welcome to my mini-simmons template(I’ll have to make one). It’s not from a mini-simmons,just one I made from another template which you may already have since I got it from someone you know where the waves have no salt. Or, any other template I may have. Mike

Thank you for your contribution and offer for this template. Did you mean to leave out the “attack angle” bump in the rear 3rd on purpose or did the AKU shaper just give you the digital curve, unable to follow the bump?

That would be very cool of you… and you are welcome to any of my templates as well. Perhaps we could trade lists and go from there?


You’re welcome to my mini-simmons template(I’ll have to make one). It’s not from a mini-simmons,just one I made from another template which you may already have since I got it from someone you know where the waves have no salt. Or, any other template I may have. Mike

Riddle me this… is it Ryan Gerard’s Greenough Spoon Template?