Single fin or bonzer specs

Hi, i am planning to expand my quiver… i have a hybrid fish, 6’3 x 20.5 and a pod 5’8 x 20… Im looking into a single fin or 5 fin bonzer style. just wondering what would be a good size? im worried if i go for a 6’0 single fin, it will more or less be like the other boards i have… im looking into getting something bigger, a wave magnet basically for mush - over head waves.

How does a 6’10 x 20 egg - ish single fin/ bonzer sound? can anyone give good suggestions for a good all around board with that fin set up? i dont like anything above 8 foot… im willing to go up to 7’0…

Let me know


ok, now im looking towards a 6’0 x 21 x 3 egg single fin with the widest part pushed forward… any comments?

Should i go long or short for a single fin egg board?? im torn between a 6’1 or a good 6’9… im worried if i go for the 6’1, it wont catch waves as easy… if i go 6’9-7’0 i might loose manuverability.

I am leaning towards the 6’1 x 20.5 x 2 3/4 egg shape though. how can i fine tune the specs to be a wave magnet and easy paddler?