single fin photos...

It’s SHOW time !!!

post 'em here, and share the stoke !!!


to kick off …

at least 20 years between the photos, but here’s the great M.P., and the powerful Pancho Sullivan. [and , HOW’S Peter Townend’s pink 3 fin bonzer [!] in the M.P. christmas tree board photo, eh ??? Read the funny story about this board in the ‘M.P.’ story [book].

Aaaahhhh, the 70’s ! …

Single fin showing planshape to beach in the eighties…

I like the board on the left. Know ne thing about it?"

looks like MP with one of his later kirra boards…


Single fin showing planshape to beach in the eighties…

THIS photo .... 

…has just reminded me of what a 20yo mate of mine said to me …

        " but you can't go vertical on a SINGLE fin !! "   

After he watched “Kong’s Island” with me, and saw what “Kong” (Gary Elkerton) , “Chappy” (James Jennings) , and “Rabbit” (Wayne Bartholomew ) did to Angourie and various Queensland waves in that video, he changed his thinking on that.

He took a single fin with him when he moved to Duranbah… thank god for video !

       ...." loving singles " 'chip'

Youve seen it before and will likely see it again but I cant get over my Single Fin.


What people really don’t realise is that you can do anthing you can on a thrusta (exluding airs ‘n’ stuff’) on a Single Fin, Another thing people say is that you need a certain type of wave for singles, when really there a very virsitile board.

Happy Surfing,


PS… Just yesterday I scored one of the most high performance waves ive ever ridden, this was at ‘BLUE BOTTLE FARM’ My new name for manly, there were bluebottles EVERYWHERE, lucky i had a steamer, I still got stung 4 times, and it really cained but that didn’t put a damper on the atmosphere, the waves were too good for that.

Anyway this wave i managed to get in a fair few backside reos and a big floater on the end section, the wave was so fast it nearly was closing out but the single fin made it through so you could rip up the next section.


I like the board on the left. Know ne thing about it?"

That is one of his ‘Fangtails’, he rocked up to a contest (sunshine coast i belive) and scared that crap out of his peers as soon as they looked at it,

I also think he made some for D’bah, because he felt that greater tail area (wider tails) would go much better in small shore break waves like D’bah.

I saw in a copy of ‘waves’ earlier last year that "MP Underground, were making a re-make of the fang tail, like what they did for the M.O.T.E Stubbie.

Happy Surfing,


        " but you can't go vertical on a SINGLE fin !! "    

eh hem…

Joel Tudor on a single fin.

hiya Josh !

just so you know …

that first shot I posted on this thread …the “Strapper” single fin …

THAT was the prawn’s original shape , prior to stripping , and reshaping [no wings] , and spraying , and glassing …

cheers !


Ahh my first single fin, which may have been seen before but here you are again.

Opps sorry my surfing buddies.

Here it is!

Damn, that’s me looking an arse. Still the surf was fun.

Finally found it.

Cheers KS.


show us the FIN , please , Chris …

cheeeeers !


Sorry the fin.

As you can see the board wasn’t quite finished. Give me a week and this fish will have a slightly bigger brother. Will post more photos once finished, again a single with side fin options.

Cheers KS

cheers !

FOUR side fin options on the next one perhaps ?

…I would LOVE to compare fin option results with another “prawn” rider !


i thought so. looks good now and then too.

very cool colour work chris!

I like the fin template …what depth and base is it please Chris ?

…I wouldn’t mind doing a slightly ‘modified’ carbon fibre version of that …

cheeeers !

ben “chippy”

Cheers Josh.

I could have done a better job on the resin swirl as i didn’t clean off my squeegee in between strokes, but learning more each time. I do like the colours though, not everyones cup of tea but it fun, loud and unique. It’s bigger brother is going to a scottish friend of mine so we’re working on some tartan kilt designs for it, so fingers crossed it should be interesting.

Ben, i’ll get the dimensions of that fin for you later, i have both a 6" and an 8" version, i assume you will be wanting both.

Cheers KS.

6’4’‘x12’‘x1835’‘x14"x2 5/8’’

Sting at 21’’

5.5’’ block

F.U. box at 7.5’’

Pulled from a 67-R