single fin stinger

I have my dimensions and outline all figured out for this board. its gonna be a 6’10" x 21" x 3" swallow tail stinger, modeled alot after the one in the photo section. my trouble is the rails. i am pretty much gonna use this as a fast board, on hollow days from head high to double overhead. i am thinking of soft rails all the way around for super stability at speed, but how will this affect the over all speed of the board? i know it will hold in the steep sections, but will it come at a cost?

i thought softer rails don’t grip as hard as a soft rail? aren’t down rails faster compared to a softy?

i guess soft rails was kind of vague. to be more specific i am debating whether to put 60/40 rails the whole way around, which i have heard of before on shorter boards, but not alot, or a tucked under edge the whole way around.

Dont make them too soft because single fins need a drive line from the rail to help them with speed, just remember to tuck the edge going back into the tail to help it hold in sucky waves, thats what l found with mine, l have a 6’10 sting pin for Burliegh barrels. KR

what’s a good rail/rocker combo for steep beach break???


nice board!!! Is that in resources? You’ve sparked my curiosity.

thank you slignblade, i saw that picture before and have been looking for it. that board is sooo sweet.