hello, just found a 676, beautiful planer. for the people that wonder about those planer… there is actually no difference between a skil 100 5.5 amp and a 676.
every parts is the same but the shoe has one stringer less in the casting.
For bearings you might try to have a machinist or tool repair guy to pull the old one and take a micrometer to it. Bearings are generic and spec'd according to size. A machinist or tool repair guy can likely order for you if they don't have them in stock.
Skil brushes vary according to the style of caps that are used. If you have the big caps with the brass inside use # 756. If you have the small plastic caps with no brass use # 34-973. The part numbers are from http://www.eurtonelectric.com/
If the brushes are worn more than 50%, replace them to avoid any arcing at the commutator which will short out the motor. Get new ones to measure the 50% wear. If they are less than 1/4", replace now.