Hi all, I’ve been a long time lurker on Sway Locks. A mechanical engineer by training and after a few years of shaping out of my buddy’s dirty garage, I finally decided to build my own shapers studio here in Santa Cruz. It’s been 6 months of work, but it’s turned into a beautiful space. A self-admitted workspace geek, the whole project has spiraled a bit out of control.
When it came to dust collection, I was surprised to find there weren’t better solutions for vacuum attachments for the Skil Model 100 planer.
As a perk of the job I have access to a 3D printer, so I sketched up something in Solidworks and printed it out. I thought I’d share.
The assembly is four pieces:
1x Vacuum Adaptor - 3D printed out of Accura Xtreme (ABS-like plastic)
2x Neodynium Magnets - 1" x 1/4" x 0.1" (McMaster-Carr p/n 5848K68), Epoxied into the Vacuum adaptor
1x Steel Adaptor Plate - Machined from 0.052" Coated Low Carbon Steel (McMaster-Carr p/n 2102T37)
The Steel Adaptor Plate slides into the groove in the Skil normally used for the dust chute. Then the Vacuum Adaptor self-locates and clicks into place via magnets. Easy on, easy off. No modification to the Skil and no tools required.
I tied it all into the vacuum line using a Clark Foam Slinky Hose from FoamEZ and a 1.5" x 1.5" Swivel vacuum adaptor from Mr Nozzle (via Amazon).
The system could be made fairly inexpensively, although I unfortunately doubt the collective market of surfboard shapers who are still using Skil Model 100s is big enough to justify manufacturing on a scale for it to be cost effective.
Happy to share files for those who have access to a 3D printer.