SKIL planer identification

can anyone help with identifying what models thes two planers are? Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

That picture is so bad, I donā€™t see how anyone could even determine what they are.   There are labels on them that would ID them.  Get those cords out of the way and take a couple of decent pics.

Of course someone can tell what they are, if they know the machines. They are located 150 miles from me, so I canā€™t just snap a better picture.

They look like a couple of Model 405 belt sanders to me.  

Also these are clearly for Europe.  Notice the different plugs in the pictures in the OP.  405 Belt Sanders for sure.  This is what you are looking at.


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Youā€™re right someone who is familiar with Euro belt sanders would know what they are.  But Skils they are not.  If you could post a better picture and they were Skils, even I might be able to confirm the title of your thread.  Iā€™ve owned a few and currently have five.  Which is about three more than I need.  So Iā€™m assuming this is not a Craigslist score for ya?

WRONG, Skilā€™s they are!       The Skil ID plates are visable on both, in the OP.

Iā€™m not gonna get into another argument with Elvis. I could see what looks like a Skil tag on the first one and the  knob is typical of a Skil.  The bases and housings are suspect in the pic.  Precisely why I asked for a better picture.  If you look at the picture that Mako posted;  You should be able to see that it is the same as the first one in th OP including the label.  If the OP could get a better pic; we could then see whether or not they are planers or belt sanders.  I donā€™t know anything about old belt sanders, but based on Makos pic I would say the first one in the OP is same as Makos pic.  A Slil belt sander is not a Skil planer.

At least I had been.   [moderator edit]     Yep, Iā€™m old.     Just had birthday number 78.       So what?        Iā€™ve had surfing experiences that [moderator edit]    With age comes wisdom, as well as experience.      [moderator edit]

Yes the first one I ever owned.  Had only used a Clark Hitachi that I bought from Fiberglass Hawaii when they were in Santa Barbara.  Brought that  down there to you because myself nor Pete (who  I consider an expert) had ever set the blades on a Skil.  Early 2004.  I traded a surfboard for thatSkil in 1998ā€¦ [moderator edit]   My surfing adventures started when I was 15 years old on Califā€™s Central Coast.   Lots of Santa Barbara, Ventura and Ranch time.  [moderator edit]  Spent a couple of fun years in PB, Mission, La Jolla etc.  Surfed Windansea and Blacks pretty regularly for 2ā€“3 years and then went back up North.  Have spent extensive time on Maui and Kauai.   My experiences are different than yours.  Not necessarily greater or lesser.  [moderator edit]  Lowel


  (a) Actually around 2000, or 2001.     Iā€™ve been using Skil 100 planers since 1958.    (b)  Never whined, didnā€™t lose, [moderator edit]    (c) Look at my avatar, thatā€™s what we called 10 to 12 feet then.     Iā€™ve surfed waves twice that size, with comfort.      Photoā€™s to prove it.     [moderator edit]    ā€˜ā€˜Notable injuries at Pipelineā€™ā€™, broken nose.      Mine, not the board.         [moderator edit]       

He haw!  Yes bought it in 98.  And since I met Pete thru Sways it would have probably been the first year or so I was around here. Whenever that was 14 plus years agoā€¦  cut the base off and disabled the clicker myself.  Rooster has that Skil Planer now(not a belt sander).  The reason your were asked to adjust the blades is because they were new blades that Pete had replaced and neither he nor myself had the gauge to set them.  [moderator edit]









FTR and so that nobody else gets blamed for it, Iā€™m the moderator that edited those comments to remove most of personal commentary that you two are aiming at each other.    I didnā€™t remove the entirety of any of these comments because thereā€™s nothing wrong with whatever you want to say about yourself, or whatever you want to say about the topic at hand.  I didnā€™t lock or move the thread because the topic is still worth some discussion and it shouldnā€™t get sidetracked because a couple members want to chip on each other in the open forum.  

If either of you want to vent at me then send me a PM; if you want to protest or complain about me then do that and Iā€™ll promptly forward it to the site owner.   But in the meantime the topic of discussion is this equipment, not how much a couple of us dislike each other.   

You guys are funny. The one on the left definatly looks like a belt sanders to me. Not not sure about the one on the right.

The one on the left looks similar to a US version 405 belt sander.  The one on the right looks like the same thing with the European motor and handle assembly like the 100H

Awww Sheeshā€¦ itā€™s all been ā€˜editedā€™ now.  How are supposed to know who flung which shit at whom?

Thatā€™s funny John. You talked with Tim lately? His foot seems to be all healed & heā€™s dying to get back out there.

In all fairness to Mr. T, the ā€œSKILā€ emblems are visible.

Beyond that:


HaHa! Stoneburner, the Youtube link!!! ā€¦and Huck with the meme!!! (PS: Nice wave, Huck!). Thanks for keeping things in perspective!