I know its a divinacell core but what is the best way to laminate a skimm board for streangth and durability?
any help will be helpfull.
I know its a divinacell core but what is the best way to laminate a skimm board for streangth and durability?
any help will be helpfull.
Triple 6oz bottom, double 6 deck, wrap laps if you can, just fill with 1/4" fill if you can’t…like non capped snowboards.
Hi, what is the typical core thickness for a foam skimboard?
What do they weigh (about)?
Don’t have any to measure. Here in Wisconsin they are very hard to come by even though there are a fair number of good spots for it on Lake Michigan. - I saw some smallish laminated wood ones in a shop here once but they were ridiculously priced at $80 USD. I think I need something on the big side beucause I weigh about 185 lbs (85kg) and the water is fresh so less bouyancy.
Most I see are about 1/4" thick core, with about half as much laminate thickness, for a total about 3/8" thick, or a little less for the smaller ones.
Seems 4’3’ x 20 is a good size, for riders your size, flat bottom, slightly rockered nose starting about center, and the weight usually around 6 lbs., like a 6’ shortboard trifin.
Some of the Maui inspired are specifically for steep beaches and riding the incoming shorebreak, while others are more made to skim on the flat 1/2" layer of standing water over sand.
Stay low, roll, don’t resist.
could someone please post some pix of a skimmer on a rocker table? I am a little confused about how to hold it in place and laminate in the rocker.
seeing one in place would realy clear it all up.
I could not find the thread in the archives I was looking for but this one is pretty good about describing putting the rocker in.
also search on “skimboard question” that had good info as well.
one day I’ll get my old victoria old and skim again.
cool and thanx…but how do you tention it down? put screws through it?(then what about the screwholes etc…)
use straps across it?(then what about the uneven preasure at the strapping lines?)lay an oversized peice of 1/8" over it and screw down at the edges?(then what about the natural bowing that will happen twords the middle?)
whats up ?
this issue is still not made very clear in any of the posts I have searched. thats why I am asking for pix. I think it would help alot.