"Skinning" the Blank

Aloha , Could someone please tell me if it is a must to “skin” the blank ? I want to keep all the thickness I can and plan to skin the bottom as it seems important to be able to get the bottom shape I want. The top I was hoping to leave more or less alone . Just sanding it down a little to get the crust sorta even . Would that be OK? I realize it could cause the board to not be as pretty but don’t care about that . Is there any other reason it has to be skinned down? Thanks…

You have to get through that crust because it has reacted with a parting agent when the blank was made. Have you seen how some of that “skin” has flaked off? Well, you would be glassing to it and your glass job would only be stuck to the blank as well as that remaining crust.

Set your planer for a shave cut and take that s*%t off.

Rookie question–little $ and no planner. Hope to shape with only surform (small–kneeboard) .

Is it feasible to skin blank by hand? W/ surform or some other tool? Fools errand?

Do it by hand, it’s all good experience. And good arm excersize.

A properly sharpened hand plane will work for taking the crust off…


A properly sharpened hand plane will work for taking the crust off…

yup, im the biggest rookie here and its works fine and its fun. do a search there are about 100 threads on this same topic. the search has helped me answer almost every question I have had and there have been many:|