Skip Frye P B Point Spring 1969

I shot this footage when I was working for G & S as a sales rep. I would set up a 16mm projector in our dealer’s showrooms and show the footage to the gremmies.

In this clip, Skip is testing three different prototypes on this day. All roundtail 7’6’s, they were the forerunner of what would become the Frye Egg.

The bottom contours varied: A flat bottom. a rolled bottom and one with a rolled nose blending into a flat tail section. The boards didn’t have much rocker being made from blanks that looked like this:

Clark Foam truck delivering blanks to G&S Sp;ring of 1969Dennis Bendadum cutting an outline on a bandsaw. G&S Factory Spring 1969

Stylin’ !

40 years on and he still has, probably, the smoothest style and footwork of anyone.

And Bill, you’re a man of many talents - nice music!



Bitchin'!! The hull crew should lose their minds watching that, given the similarities to their boards.

I was just thinking the same thing.  The way he steps forward and back to control the board and lean into the turns creates a really fluid motion.  Very nice to watch!