small futures center stabilizer

Trying to find a small center stabilizer fin for futures boxes. Something in the 2.5 inch range. I believe the smallest Futures makes is 3.25 Anyone have a lead on where I could get something like that?


Make one. Seriously. Take whatever is closest and grind it down. Now, ya gotta be aware that the plastic will melt if you get it hot… so don’t. Consider using a hard block and wet/dry sandpaper. It’ll work.

Yes, have actually done that with the 340 quad rears… but seems like a saw one, but don’t remember where it was made…



Rainbow Fin Co. makes glass fins with Future base, those would be much easier to

modify. Or they might make you some custom sets if you ask really nice.


Trying to find a small center stabilizer fin for futures boxes. Something in the 2.5 inch range. I believe the smallest Futures makes is 3.25 Anyone have a lead on where I could get something like that?


I have at least 2 that I don’t need (plastic ones). PM me and I can send them your way.