Snapped Foamie

Classic! My Dad grew up there a few houses from the beach and I was born in Taka Hospital and lived there in my grandparents house until I was a toddler and we moved in a suburb, but that was the beach we most went to when I was a kid. What’s great is my grandparents gave my Dad the option to buy the house but he knew better and built his own place. The beach naturally became totally prestige real estate and the old house is worth a fortune now- it’s still there, one of the last old places on the beach as all the others have been pulled down and very flash semi-mansions put up. Everytime I visit home we walk on the beach almost every day and I remind my Dad what a great decision he made! And now I find some Chipper clan are from there too- a very, very small world indeed.

So here’s how it finished up

Joanne applying the pinstripe, Rex is doing some quality control…

It was a hot day, anyway I paid alot of money for the right to wear budgie smugglers…

Ta daaaaa, came up better than I thought…

good lord Hicksy! please give us warning before you post pics of yourself dressed in dik-stickers!

as oldy said… “Classic Hicksy”

a new reality TV show maybe?..


it looks awesome hicksy. your girl’ll have the coolest foamie on the beach. i reckon it’s great that you’ve done that for your daughter.

As a parent myself, here’s the question- does the child who snapped the (not hers) foamie now get to ride it, or does she ride her ordinary foamie while her sis styles out hard on this new surfriding vehicle? Or do they share? I’m all for sharing in principle, until one board rides better than the other, then I want that one. Technically not design related questions, but important I think.

some would say that I would be a harsh parent perhaps , but here’s my take on it …

Ainslie , who deliberately snapped her sister’s foamie by doing a bombie on it ,

should now be made to watch as her sisters have fun all summer on the board . Just so she learns that turning on the waterworks to manipulate her dad doesn’t work.

…this , because I have seen the girl in question in action , numerous times . She has you wound around her little finger hicksy , and it will only get worse [if , like the episode of the Simpsons with Homer never punishing Bart when he does something deliberately bad , he keeps getting away with it , knowing he can get HIS way over Homer, every time .]

[I worked with behaviour problem school kids for 6 years , lest anyone think “I know nothing about kids because I am not a parent” [I wish I could have a dollar for every time I have heard THAT one !]

… just my Aussie .05 , as an observer of the three kids in question , over a period of a year and a half…



haha great fix hixy, love your work!

I think the girls are going to be bringing you a few more “accidentally” snapped foamies… :slight_smile:


Ainslie gets to ride her old one

Mackenzie is really pleased, had a few enquiries at the surf club yesterday as well…

I’ll do the other ones when I get some different coloured pigments…

Just a bit of fun…


It looks great and you may have created a whole new world of surfcraft or a whole new world of hurt as every kid in the neighbourhood does bombies onto each others boards so they can get a Hixilated one.


haha great fix hixy, love your work!

I think the girls are going to be bringing you a few more “accidentally” snapped foamies… :slight_smile:


yep exactly my point …i can break things , dad will fix them , better than they looked before"

lesson taught there = i’ll break things and go undisciplined

teenage vandalism …i wonder how THAT starts ?

oh well, ignore my posts …


Ainslie has to wait until last, Kate’s order is in, she wants a dark blue one with light blue splash…

Anyone breaking their boards on purpose goes without for the summer…

Had to laugh at Mackenzie on Sunday morning “Don’t forget the wax Daddy”

Thanks for your observations Dr Spock…I’ve filed it away in a safe spot…