Snapped Foamie

One of my girls did a bombie onto this expecting it to survive…

It didn’t…

But the snap is clean. I know I have to use epoxy but how do I put strength into it without compromising the deck smoothness.

There is no glass on these things and they cost $70 a pop…

I’ve still got 2 intact ones but they could go the same way…

Anyone done this before??

hey hixatron.

I used to have the foamies back when i was a nipper at Floreat Surf club…

They snapped all the time, and the best way to put em back together was Araldite, super strong, does the job with no other reinforcements…

Also, we painted our foamies to make em last longa! and to stop the chaffing the first 50 layers of skin off us…

Bombies onto the board… i love it…



let me guess …

was it Ainslie



after too many drinks last night , hicksy ??? 


thanks mate , you made my day !!

it woulda been funnier if it was one of the clubbie paddle boards , or a “surf boat” , or a booger , though …then , you woulda heard me cheeering from here lol lol etc …

I think most people just ditch them , mate …i have never seen a fixed foamie [mind you , in “our day” , they weren’t $70 either …just one family feast of KFC, and the foamie was OURS !! bwahaha [and so were bleeding nipples and belly ]


Good guess Chip…Ainslie was the culprit…

Met me at the door when I got home from work and 'fessed up…

Couldn’t get angry at that now could I…big sad blue eyes…nearly tears…wasn’t her board either…

Maybe I should just glass the whole thing but that’s pretty expensive…

i didn’t think she would break her OWN board !

glassing it , factoring epoxy , cloth at 7$ per metre and the risk of her snapping it again

nah just give HER foamie to [?mackenzie? was it HER board ainslie snapped !] for a few months [like , till next winter]…


OK, I’ve had a big think about it and come up with this solution…

What if I could route out a 5/16 deep section out of the deck and insert a ply deck into it, glass over and sand smooth…

Could work for new boards too, retrofitted…

They wouldn’t break for ages…

And…Why do vertical stringers when horizontal can achieve the same amount of stress with a bit more flex…

What do you people think…

$70 is that a typo?

oily kroist! is that $ aus or rupies?

the keel is inspired…

Im suprised ya’ll don glass em roit away.

whew I gotta go take a shower an go to sleep after this…


hellooooo… did my post just fly under the raaadarrrrr???

Araldite… good smearing on both halves, join together… right as rain


5-minute epoxy should do the trick. Vacuum a compsand skin over it!

Sorry Lavz, saw that bit.

You and John suggested the same thing.

I’ll give that a go…

Years ago , in the time of Cheyne at Bondi and when McCoy had a foamie model, we used to fix them with 2 pieces of dowel and Max-Bond. Later on, we epoxy resined the hull and rails for better speed, even with the blue matting on. Great times… loved it all. U could surf them between the flags at Bondi and with the smooth glassed hull they were great. Loved the McKenzies and Tama reef tubes.

I can hear Cold Chisels ‘Forever Now’ in the distance…

Christ, I’m old…

Well I finally started the fix up as Nippers start this weekend coming…

Joined the two halves together with 5 minute epoxy…

I cut out a 2" x 36" x 1/2" piece of ply as a partial stringer, routed out a strip out of the board starting around 6" before the nose and ending 6" before the tail…

First time using a router, I think I’ve got the hang of it now…foamie bits everywhere…was like a white christmas in the shed!!!

I then layed a 5" strip of 4oz over the hole and used epoxy to half fill it and fixed it in like a finbox, pushing the stringer in and giving it a internal U support wrapping 1" onto the deck…

Tonight I’ll be sanding that down flat and putting 4oz over the hole deck ending half way down the rails…

I’m going to leave the bottom untouched…

Then I’ll sand that down and give it a gloss coat, might try a swirl on the deck, see how I go…

This is great playtime…

Ok, now I have a few piccies, just for a laugh I’m going to pimp this one out…

Sorry it’s so long, this is the stringer in place…

The snap mark…

What the rest of the board looks like…


So I started to scare the board by putting a kick a$$ sander with 40 grit on it…

Plugged in…

After battling with this monster I looked at it and thought hmmmmm, I could sand this back and get rid of the divots a bit

Looks heaps smoother now…

This was the first time I’ve ever had anything to do with EPS and I’ve learnt heaps.

This board had a skin but sanding was soooo easy, I can now see why you need to spackle, especially with big styro balls…

Not going to worry too much about spackling this one but it will be fun to do something different…

Well, thanks to Chip for lending me some pigments at a railway station rendezvous yesterday morning, I’ve made a great start on finishing this off.

A blur of activity Picture by Ainslie, camera on the wrong setting

Used 1/2 a teaspoon of yellow in 250mls of epoxy…I had some left over so instead of mixing up a batch of red I decided to try orange…it still ended up bright red…only used a couple of drops…it’s reallly bright red…

It was a bit tricky around the handles but it all worked out…

Cut off the laps tonight and pinline the join from the glass to the board. I couldn’t glass around the rails for kiddies safety reasons, and the fact they use it in the pool and it might scratch it…

More later…

classic hicksy. nothing by halves.

it looks good hicksy !

did Jo ask “who got murdered?”

[that’s what the coloured resin on the floor looked like when she walked in the garage when I did the “bushfire fish” swirl]

did you squeegee or brush on the yellow pigment mate ?

[it’s a pity I didn’t have any yellow TINT left to give you too, as that is a different colour again …]

so , did you flick the red , with a brush ,


paddle pop sticks ?

Q: if you don’t glass the bottom too, won’t the deck and rail glass delaminate / lift ?

 cheers ! 


Hey Chip

I used a brush to wet it out and a bit of bamboo to flick it onto the board.

No I’m not going to glass the bottom but I am going to do a black pinline that covers the join where the glass meets the foam and then put a thin coat of epoxy over that…

That should tie things together…

YES! The glory days of bleeding foamie nips and the horror of watching it get washed into the rocks (black lava at Takapuna where I played with foamies) Who knew you could soup them up a la Hicksy? My Dad unfeelingly binned them when they were busted. I don’t remeber the Kid=wi ones having quite such a keel, but they gave me my first stand up ride and I love them for that.

ARE you from takapuna , kirk ?!

…my brother and sister were both born there

small world eh ?
