so it happened again

so’s I steps out and walked down the street again ,another sunday morning to look and see what I could see.The sand cut out I noticed yesterday that had removed 100 feet of beachfront and exposed the shelf ten to twenty five feet back into the berm was still impressive …the surf hadnt been large and the tides not exceptional either,but the sand movement was evident and impressive. as I walked away and was strangely compelled to greet the next passerby I reconected with the concept -the sand layer is a membrane that covers the inshore that is is in constant flux-

    this thought in place it was easy to extrapolate it to - we are a membrane the overlaps the  sand that is also in flux- scurrying back and forth subject to the whim of not only time and tide but to our own unexplainable whims and influences,measureable and undetectable yet always there.

 what will be next in the collective progression is a facination that can be all consuming,what is the best rocker to get the most out of a perfect Rincon incoming tide ,will the set up at Mondos be copa-esthetic for a saturday evening go out on the Webber Performer pintail,are channel bottoms appropriate for inside sharks?...these are also ,[these samples of random concetrations of concern],membrane overlays you know like the clear  one that covers the alligators eye before the opaque eyelid  these membranes of sand and people and thought like me standing at the beach deciding what beach to take a surf and on what form- are  what insulates the skeletal planet from cold space.The inter- play of heat and insulation derived from water and sand and plants and birds and composting leaves and not to mention the excrement of all these things including that avalanche of snow and dirt and the plate shift under water ahhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwhhhhhoooooooo.....

   What a place in time !On a benevolent sphere spinning through space with the time and technology to allow us to contemplate and surf and dream of alternative tracks on the curl line...we should be very greatful .

one might ask in light of mentioning all these rambling thoughts ? so what do I mean ? … please give thanks to all these membranes is in their order and may they flow unobstructed to their highest resolution in our lifetimes and beyond. To achieve the invisible harmony that will fulfill the ultimate dream of all the grandfathers whatever and whose ever they might be. to do so without bringing intentional harm and suffering to any others is the highest goal … ambrose… I woke up early

ambrose…you’ve got WAAYYYY too much time on your hands (although that’s not necessarily a bad thing).

The thinness of the membrane between me and the ocean was well served this weekend. Gratitude.

on a similar note, though climacticly opposite, wandered down to my old back yard, where I grew up and where I am gonna return to work, to play and eventually they will chuck my ashes in there - Differences, similarities from the last time to this time and the next time -

I must confess, beyond simply looking at stuff for its own sake, I was playing with the new camera, so it’s repetitious as all hell.

doc… the muskrat avatar ain’t out of character, you see …

Very beautiful scenery. Thanks for sharing it. I used to visit Cape Cod summers as a kid on family vacations. Fond memories. COLD water. Your are lucky to be able to return. Where I grew up I would now need the National Guard and a very well-armed tank, just to drive through. Well, I guess that’s why we save old photos.

What a coincidence… whispered in my ear, by my wife to wake me up Sunday morning, “We take care of the Earth to prepare for paradise.”

Look at all the pock-marked planets, dying stars and exploding super-novas, don’t you start to wonder how we won the cosmic lotto? There’s no Thomas Guide map to paradise. It’s give up your worldly possessions and suffer, Earth-boy! Can I keep my Hobie and my Yater and my Patterson? It’s not fair. Don’t take this the wrong way, but stack all your gold, diamonds and oil barrels in the back of my truck so I can help you prepare for paradise. That’s capitalism at it’s narcissistic mirror-envy finest. Corporate worship services kneeling on slave labor prayer rugs. Woo-eep the whistle blows, shifts over. “Hey you, yeah you - no shoving, stay in line.”

Life’s a Carnival - put your hands in Daddio’s Magic Box - what will you draw out? Burned and useless charcoal stumps? Stainless steel super-cutter bionic marvels? Maybe this time you get the baby Sparrow cupped in your flesh and warmth. Ya takes your chances. Do you hear the calliope whistle of the Earth merry-go-round? That’s a sweet symphony. The bird’s singing, the dolphins chatter and the song of the whale. My favorite is the sound of a mother’s voice and singing while she hold’s and feeds her infant.

Just like Buddha, we are the sons of kings, and the Earth calls out for us to work for her. Testing one, two, three - is this mic on? Slow down and enjoy the view. What’s the matter? Can’t make your trash piles fast enough? Stand behind the tape line - polaroid shot - road trip. But you can’t take it with you… besides what’s the difference between those three great pyramids and the huge pile of used-up old cars by the side of the freeway - it’s just another future man-made migratory landmark when we leave, as we always do. Fly little Sparrow, find the land that’s green and the sky, so blue.

What? How much for the Sex Wax and this sticker, “Old Surfers Rule.” Have a nice day.

long shot of aging man in profile staring out to sea with rugged coastline in background

slow zoom to profile filling screen with full face of helpless angst

the rapid fire images that follow are a history scroll of conflict and strife brought on by marshall and military circumstance

image zooms back to reveal the entire scroll encased in the tear rolling down the cheek of the coastwatcher

the tear fallen is followed by others each a deep understanding of the hoplessness of the material world…

finally upon entering the surfline all the tears are obscured by the salty spray and wash- over in this ocean on the planet of men and the obvious conclusion is that this ocean is made up of all the tears ever shed…ambrose… may the great spirit redeem us from our fate

And when the final shuttle lifts off for the waiting starship in orbit around the Earth, with the last people of Earth aboard, the colonists of the future will be outward bound, never to return, and will have thanked the Earth and gratefully left her to heal forever.

And the Earth will be free, free at last.

And the waves will be ridden only by the dwellers of the well of tears.


Whoops, found this on HBO next Saturday night…

Angst Misbehavin’…


Orson Welles - as the cry-baby "genius" shaper, Fats (foam) Walker.

Sally Ride - as the "lady astronaut" with a heart of gold

Jimi Hendrix - lovable town drunk and stand-up comedian,

    also appears in the Pipeline "Buttons" dream sequence

Bob Simmons - The Riddler

Marilyn Monroe - special appearance as the voice of baby Sparrow

I think the rocker Gene Simmons, being alive and dead at the same time, makes a better Riddler, but the cast is perfect otherwise.

No angst implied. Only hope for future wisdom, intelligence, and mercy amidst the cosmic joke we call existence.

There is surf everywhere.

My neighbor has a three legged dog.His name is Tripod.When he takes a dump he leans against a tree to keep from falling.And the trees prosper.

LOL - Bob or Gene would work for me too.

As long as it’s not Richard Simmons as “The Piddler”…

Now, THAT’S cosmic perfection.

Howzit Mr.Clean, We've got a Tripod that hangs at PineTrees, it's also his name but I've never seen it take a dump. Aloha,Kokua

The dog is embarassed so he heads waaay back in the woods to lay his cable.

This thread has deteriorated somewhat.

Afternoon Doc,

Your profile says Cape Cod. My wife wants to go there the end of May and I while I don’t expect any surf, can you advise me of a good area to stay on the Cape? Any reasonable accommodations near water? Any suggestions of sights to take in? We plan to return home before the Memorial Holiday so as to avoids crowds. Thanks in advance.


I don’t know if it will put anything in perspective…

Very cool.

That slideshow is amazing I cant believe those pictures!!!