So, now I shall dive into epoxy

I have avoided jumping into epoxy for a while, I am gearing up to jump into doing it.

I havent even really messed with epoxy in years my last dabblings were with SVF and guys like Blake case and Roland Chivaras. I know now its a whole different{and much safer and friendly} monster.

My first run will be 12 boards all shortboard’s and Resin Research epoxy.

I have read tons on epoxy and at this point I am sticking to pretty much just basic glassing, I may play and experiment later with vaccuum bagging and all the veneers/sandwich but not at this point.

My question is I have a fully loaded/tooled glass shop now, are there any tools gadgets etc that I would use in epoxy that a poly glass shop wouldnt have? Things i need to invest in look out for etc…

Anything that you epoxy guys have found helpfull.

Also any fin sytems that dont work as well with epoxy?

I think you will need a digital scale to simplify mixing ratios. And disposable brushes. Put tin foil on them in between uses and freeze them to reuse.

Plan to use a lot less epoxy than PE resin.

And counter to what I’ve seen in PE glass shops, spend more time cleaning up the lam while it is still runny. SAves tons of time sanding later. Get every llittle drop and run off before it sets.

And loose the breathing apparatus and the acetone.

good luck.

Hey EC,

I second, Greg’s recommendation for a scale. Also, an area/room for post curing would be nice. I’ve also found that filtering RR makes a big difference with the hotcoat in terms of getting rid of bubbles or sediment from Additive F. 'Hope that helps.

