I have avoided jumping into epoxy for a while, I am gearing up to jump into doing it.
I havent even really messed with epoxy in years my last dabblings were with SVF and guys like Blake case and Roland Chivaras. I know now its a whole different{and much safer and friendly} monster.
My first run will be 12 boards all shortboard’s and Resin Research epoxy.
I have read tons on epoxy and at this point I am sticking to pretty much just basic glassing, I may play and experiment later with vaccuum bagging and all the veneers/sandwich but not at this point.
My question is I have a fully loaded/tooled glass shop now, are there any tools gadgets etc that I would use in epoxy that a poly glass shop wouldnt have? Things i need to invest in look out for etc…
Anything that you epoxy guys have found helpfull.
Also any fin sytems that dont work as well with epoxy?