Hey guys,
I have what I thought was a webber but come to find out it is a S-core afterbuner webber that is epoxy/resin so its hollowed on the inside. The purge valve is at the tail of the board and water is getting into my board…how do I correct this? and if anyone knows of a place I can go to in orlando or lake mary FL that would be awesome, but I would appreciate any advice on this!
the vent can be unscrewed to drain any water that’s gotten in. The center of the vent is gore-tex fabric (I’m pretty sure) so be careful not to rip it. It should have an o-ring inside so don’t lose that. If the board is dinged, fix the dings. In the unlikely event it’s leaking AROUND the vent, the base part (not the screw in part) could be removed and re-epoxied back in. However, if there are no other dings, and the vent itself is leaking, you’d probably need to have a new one installed. The hard part of that is finding a replacement vent that will fit… maybe you can find a busted s-core board somewhere and have a screw-in fix. There are after-market goretex vents, but it might take some minor surgery to install one, not sure of their dimensions as compared to what you have… search here on Sways for gore tex and you’ll find more info I’m sure.