Some great Ads - memories here

Thanks for sharing, very cool.

Love the W.A.V.E. ad- “We don’t tell Greenough what to make…”

Did a double take on the Wilkens Meth Model. Can’t imagine anyone touching that with a ten foot pole nowadays!


Design 1 in New York 

I was going to shape there and buy a used ferrari and drive it back home .

Instead I got a girlfriend  :-)

I’m missing just one issue of Atlantic Surfing. I have most of the mags shown on that FB page.


just some stuff I tried to archive along time ago: Circle of life I guess
























































































































































































































































































































































































Living thru all this is why all at skurfer don’t get me   :slight_smile:

Such great times . 

Aqua Jet and Croteau .  :-)

Caught my eye rode the Wilken “Marty Sugarman” MethII went throught all those pix didn’t see it.

Eh post up if you can.

Did stubble into this.

WOW so close to home

Turns out I saw this somewhere else… pre-early onset dementia : )


Know what ya mean

that is my story 4 sure

So cool!!!

Thanks a ton!

Had a close dup of Dora’s

Acid splash.

All I had for 69?, yeah?

epic Rincon swell

And the classic swell at Malibu.

Damn those S decks just

HUNG in the lip

and released so late

Oh, those

 arms over the head drops!

In your debt…