Rolled through SD a couple of weeks ago, spent just enough time there to get a surf in and meet the nice folks at Moonlight.
Just a nice little visit with some really good people. They have the best jobs in the world, and I couldn’t wish upon a better bunch.
Tenover was kind enough to meet me for a dawn patrol. I got into a couple on the new bonzer, but the waves were pretty soft. He definitely made the better call with the Griff Fish.
My wife has suspected it for a while, but after our trip to Ecuador and then this trip, meeting the St. Pierres at moonlight, Tenover, etc… She is convinced that surfers are all really great people. I’m not going to try to convince her otherwise.
Thanks again for coming out, Tenover. Next time I’m bringing a fish though!
It’s great seeing pictures of MG, and nice job on the little photo/story. How many square feet do they operate in, or under? Besides the CI’s, who else gets in their rotation? I’d love to see a picture of their sanding room.
That is one of the two demos sent out a long while back. You’re right, very loose even in waves without much push. I am however riding it with some LoxBox Turbo’s instead of the original fins that Greg put in…