They dont do Epoxy [yet?] so i can buy the shaped [not finished] blanks for 100 euros.
That gives me an opprtunity to hone my epoxy laminating skill and to find out how to finish a machine shaped blank.
The shop has 5 Marko EPS Blanks left [prolly 1.9pcf]
1 * 6.2 H [i want to make a board for a friend of mine, something 5’11" * 19 * 2.1/4 or similar with glass ons, we have the G-3 Clear already] thinking of 16+26oz deck lam
2* 6.3 + 2*6.5 Fish like blanks, i forgot the additional letter unfortunately… i might be F though…
So, if anyone has a file, i am all ears
Wanted: 1 high performance small wave file and 4 medium performance Fishy like boards…
I am still trying to figure out S3D, so dont have a file of my own yet…