Something Is Wrong....!!!!!

I hotcoated my 5’8" egg yesterday in 30* weather. Before I did it though I placed my bucket of resin in hot water so that it would warm up. I left it outside, overnight and this morning I went out to check on it. I looked at the hotcoat and it was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. It was still goopy, even after I used about 20cc’s in about 1/2 a gallon of resin. Strange, does anybody know what’s going on here?

ohhhhhhkaaaay, that’s unique.

now, here’s the thing: resin goes off happily at 65 degrees (F ) and up, and eventually at 45-50 degrees , but around 30 degrees it’s kinda debatable if it’ll go off at all. Even if you heated up the bucket of resin to hot tapwater temps ( around 90 degrees ) when you brushed it onto the board in a real thin layer, it’d cool down real fast. besides which, 30 degrees was probably the warmest it got, more like 20 overnight up your way.

About your only move is to put it somewhere warmer for a while, ideally 50 degrees or better, and hope it kicks off, cos otherwise it’s not gonna harden for a loooooong time, if ever…

sorry to be the bearer of bad news, man. get that puppy someplace warm…


It’s just way too cold to do anything with resin. I mean it’s good that you heated the resin, but it’s gonna cool down, especially if it’s below freezing. It’s generally not a good idea to do anything below 50 degrees. Did you use enough catalyis (sp?) for the cold weather, or did you catalyze (sp?) it as if it was hot outside?

yep heated resin is good

but what temp was the board surface?

cooldown? yep !

take in consideratio the opposita…

I sand out doors ,part of the board in direct sun,I take inside to gloss…

the temp of the board in sun-vs -temp of other end that happned to be in shade…differential makes some of gloss go off hotter because of residual heat! and while brushing gobbs go off that i have inadvertently dragges over cool and whadda mess…yippee…

heat the space will in turn heat the board…

I have been getting in the habit of feeling the board with bare hands to feel the temperature,clean dusty hands are better than dirty greasy hands…My vote squeegie off the resin on victim and clean-prep for another go on a nice day or in a heated space…ambrose…aint life grand

The difference in temperature between the cold ambient air and warmer resin on your board could have caused water droplets to condense on the board. I usually see this when I leave a board outside overnight. I’m not sure if this is what happened to your hotcoat but if water accumulated on your wet resin it will take a long time for it to harden. I remember this happening to me more than once. It sucks to get the water off.


Howzit Joelyboaly, I’m with Ambrose when it comes to the surface temp of the board it self. I sometimes have the opposite problem where the temp is to warm and I hose down the roof of my shop and also rinse the board with cool water before glossing. Another thing is 20 cc’s for almost 1/2 gal is not enough especilly in super cold weather, I use 16 cc’s for 16oz of resin when hotcoating boards.Aloha,Kokua

Almost sounds like a case for an promoter like Cobalt (yipes!). The space heater would be

the only way. Or wait for better weather…