Something very different....

Folks, Swaybrus,

This is a surfboard design forum but I have seen alot of things pass through these threads so I figure nobody would shoot me for something non-surf related. Well not directly surf related…

My surfing destination of choice is on the other side of the planet, South Africa, these last two years I’ve been going as often as I can and I love it, it is truly a land of an endless summer if you know what I mean…

Anyway, it is also a poor country with lots of poor people, you wouldn’t think it if stayed in the touristy areas… There are millions of people living in squallor in wooden and carboard shacks, for a large part a result of the old apartheid era… it’s aweful… the gov’t has not the resources to get things moving fast enough… Anyway, there was this rich dude from Ireland who noticed the problems and decided to do something about it. He set up a trust and now anyone can pitch in, whether you wanna give 10 bucks via internet to help pay for the building or whether you wanna fly down there and actually build a house yourself, it’s all good…

Heck if my boardmaking skills were good enough I’d make some boards and auction them off to raise funds, and heck maybe I will…

Anyway, I thought I would share this with you…

The Niall Mellon Niall Mellon Township ChallengeTownship Chellenge has been really great. 350 people who have to raise €4,000 each to be allowed to go and work 18 hrs a day for 2 weeks for free, Arrive in the township and build new brick houses for families. But they don’t give them away. They try and teach people about the economy. The recipiants have to get a small mortage and make regular repayments. That way they value what they have received and learn about the idea of financial planning.