It ain’t no muscle car but it sure is fun.
7.0’x21.0 Freeline vintage 1975 in the attachments with a fin setup that really gives it a lift.
The young guys say it’s sick on the nose rides.
Gone Surfin’, Rich
It ain’t no muscle car but it sure is fun.
7.0’x21.0 Freeline vintage 1975 in the attachments with a fin setup that really gives it a lift.
The young guys say it’s sick on the nose rides.
Gone Surfin’, Rich
The board is beautiful. Those fins are the cats a$$! I know you are the resident fin guru. Is that fin shape your favorite? Terry
Hey Tbones,
For the way I surf they work great and actually surf better than they look. I do use this “Mental” template a lot. I have lots of others though. This winter I’ll be experimenting with some of the new ones. Glad you like the look and thanks for the kind words. By the way there are lots of real hip fin guys on this board. I have lots to learn and trying something new always helps the process.
Mahalo, Rich