spackle to fill a hole in finished blank??

have a small worm hole in a finished blank about an inch and a half from the rail, on the tail.  the blank is p/u and will be glasssing with p/e resin.  can i use a bit of spackle to fill the hole prior to glassing??  will this have any adverse affects on the adhesion of the cloth and resin?  or any create any other problems?  does anyone have a better suggestion?  thank you.



I’ve done it a few times, the color will be slightly different, but barely visible. No problems with adhesion, I used lightweight spackling paste, it’s very dry. I think I once read in the archives that you could also use Elmer’s white glue mixed with foam dust? might be worth a try. Good luck!

i like the elmers and dust idea.  will give it a try.  thank you



Another choice is resin with micro baloons.  Looks just like foam, but don’t try a resin tint over it; The tint won’t soak in like foam, and you get a light spot.

Use lightweight spackle, dap or whatever.  Just be sure it is of the lite fluffy type.  Do not smear it like you would if you were to spackle a nail hole in wood or drywall.  If necessary tape off the surrounding area right up to the edge of the hole.  If you smear it into the surrounding foam it will be more noticeable.  Just lightly dab it into the hole with your finger.  Be sure you let it dry completely.  Overnight in a warm room, not outside.  When you are sure it is dry;  screen lt very lightly with fine screen.  When the board is finished chances are you are the only one who will even notice it's there.  After the "Clark Crash"  I shaped quite a few South American blanks of a brand whose name we will not mention.  The worm holes in those blanks looked like they were made by those monsters in the movie "Tremors". 

I filled a reasonably shallow hole with spackle for a repair to my board once. It delammed. No problems with adhesion to spackle. There was a problem with the spackle adhering to the foam however. Spackle works fine for sealing for me, but not for filling dings. Probably happened because the resin couldn’t contact more resin (resin and filler) or some foam. Otherwise known as too thick for the resin to pass through! Or maybe it was just me.