
What kind of spackle I can use under epoxy???(the trademark) thanks

I’ve used something called “fast and final” by DAP, based on the recommendations I got on Sways. Its premade and comes in a little tub. I have read that if you buy the powder and make your own, that you should use purified water to keep it from yellowing. 

Any lightweight spackle like DAP's "Fast n' Final" will work. Home Depot sells one that isn't made by DAP that works fine.

if you  can't find Dap Fast 'n Final and are wondering about another brand, when you pick up the tub, it will feel almost empty compared to the normal spackles on the shelf.

i use to do alot of spackling and i would always use the light wheight Patch-N-Paint spackle from home depo, i would also use some distilled water and rumbing alcohol to thin it out and spread it around,you want to use a little bit of water then the alcohol until it got a little bit runnier than whiped cream, and when it starts to get thicker just add alittle more alcohol as needed and squegie it on

alcohol and eps?

I switched to making my own w/epoxy and glass beads… Not nearly as easy to work with, but when you get a ding the water won’t mix in with the spackle making matters worse.  Granted I’d get little intrusions and not know for a while - till I saw water bubbling out/big salt crust some time, even days, later.

ive done hundereds of boards that way and never had any problems with the alcohol, no yellowing or nothin and it drys rather quickly, but if you use too much water it takes awhile for it to dry

Adding a bit of distilled water (not “mineral” water from a bottle) to Fast n Final makes it spread easier, but really, it makes it stickier so it doesn’t fall right off as easily. If I’m doing color, I’ll usually do two coats… the first right out of the can to fill the holes, and second skim coat thinned with bit of water. Adding water to the first thicker coat makes it dry slower, if time’s an issue.

Spackle is a registered trademark of the Muralo company,located in Bayonne, New Jersey. Please use our company name when using our trademark

You can get spackle at Canadian Tire, it is with the drywall supplies and compound. It says crack or gap filler on the package, I'm away from my shop now so I can't remember exactly. The container feels like it is empty when you pick it up. I mix it with varathane water based polyurethane (also at canadian tire in the paint section) instead of water, i think this gives it a better seal and also a better bond with the epoxy when you glass.


Ok thanks guys !!! I did the job and I found what I wanted at the C.T. great.

Resurrecting an old thread. I just got some dap fast and final and it’s almost grey and not really white. Are there multiple colors of fast and final? Or does it dry white? Doing a test now, but just thought I would see if anyone has an idea about this grey stuff I have.

Yep, it’s now grey. No alternative there. Sherwin Williams has a lightweight “no shrink” spackle that is white.

I have the DAP stuff, and it’s not as good as it used to be. Too lazy to look for a Sherman Williams store, so I got the DAP again. It shrinks too. OK if you do a colored board.

Anyone know if Graphite Master made any headway on the filler they were developing? Z-fill, or something like that?

Yes it works just fine. Used about a gallon of it on various boards and they all turned out fine. Yes “Fast &Final” is now grey and does not turn white when dry. Also the trend in these products is to add large amounts of Acrylic which makes the spackle ball up into little balls of rubbery grud when sanding. The result being little balls of shit that gouge your Blank when sanding or finish screening. Best bet for me lately has been Ace Hardware’s liteweight spackle. Lowel

Yeah, I notice the DAP spackle doesn’t sand like it used to. Seems more rubbery than before.