
any of you guys in europe know what we would call spackle over here and where to find some? or any of you guys state side how to make some? thanks

Over here a spackle compound is found at a builders supply store. It is used to finish the taped joints in the drywall or sheetrock panels used inside residential homes and to fill nail holes and cracks in the same. Sometimes it is found premixed in buckets and probably better for surfboard (EPS foam) building would be a powder that you mix with water yourself. There are lots of guys here that use this process in building EPS/Epoxy foam boards so someone can lead you a little further into what types and mix ratios work best. Tom S.>>> any of you guys in europe know what we would call spackle over here and > where to find some? or any of you guys state side how to make some?>>> thanks

Over here a spackle compound is found at a builders supply store. It is > used to finish the taped joints in the drywall or sheetrock panels used > inside residential homes and to fill nail holes and cracks in the same. > Sometimes it is found premixed in buckets and probably better for > surfboard (EPS foam) building would be a powder that you mix with water > yourself. There are lots of guys here that use this process in building > EPS/Epoxy foam boards so someone can lead you a little further into what > types and mix ratios work best. Finding spackle is no problem. Finding a lightweight and white spackle is hard. That’s why I used color on my board. For a good, white spackle I used epoxy with lightweight filler and white pigment. But you might have better luck then me. regards, Håvard

Finding spackle is no problem. Finding a lightweight and white spackle is > hard. That’s why I used color on my board. For a good, white spackle I > used epoxy with lightweight filler and white pigment. But you might have > better luck then me.>>> regards,>>> Håvard The problem is that the epoxy turns yelow after a while. Then the spackle apears. Same with pigment. If you do a repair on the blank paint the board with epoxy or lattex paint. Best against delamination is epoxy. you can make the epoxy thinner with aceton without eating up the EPS. Use PU clear paint against yelowing regards, geert