i bought a second us blank with a hole the size of a quarter about a 1/2" deep. the board is ready to go to the glasser, can i fill the hole with spackle? if so, is there a special type or brand? thanks
help please
hi, i am from the uk so don/t know the names of brands elseware but what you need is lightweight filler , most fillers are really heavy but this light stuff is exceptionally light ,
a tub of it feels like an empty tub ,it bonds real well and sands well and is pure white ,
this the stuff i use in the uk but it will be the same in other counties just a different name,#
A hole that big would be better filled with some foam and cabosil. Cut out a piece of foam (from your scraps if you still have them) to fit in the hole and use cabosil and resin to hold it in place… As far as spakle if you go to your local hardware store, pick up some fast and final by dap. If they dont have that, find the lightest spakle you can find and use that…I wouldn’t use spakle for your problem though… it can delaminate over time
I think your hole is too big for spackle alone. Follow the tip on putting a chunk of foam in there. Shape it to fit tightly, and glue it in with white glue… a thin film on the bottom of the plug only, and let it tack up before you squeeze it in tight. Then shape it down, and spackle the repair if needed. The trick is shaping the plug to fit just right. But if you can’t shape a plug, you can’t shape a surfboard.
fill it with clear resin and put a bug in it, put a coin with the year 2010 on it.....don't hide it, make it cool.
You'll never be able to hide it so just flow with it........................drill the hole all the way through and fill it with colored resin?
A Mescal worm!!!!!!!
IMO spackle in a void on PU is not a good idea. Either a foam plug or resin/filler would be much better. Spackle will skin over and trap moisture inside, or shrink/crack when filling a void. Usually when you buy a second, look for ones that have flaws you can shape out, or in places where a decal can cover.
How about HALF a mescal worm?