Speaking of Art and Surfboards

I came across a discussion where someone thought that the Wilderness Surfboards logo might have been done by Rick Griffin.

A few folks gave their opinions and somebody made a connection. Not Griffin, but Stanley Mouse. It seems that Greenough/Cundith ‘borrowed’ the lettering from a Mouse poster.

Here’s two pics. The Wilderness logo and the Mouse poster. Take a good look at the lettering in the top of the poster.

Nice catch on that one!  I can remember getting shit from a couple of guys when the younger brother of one of them gave me a laminate to put on a board I was making for him.  The only part we used was the part that read, “Surfboard” and I still got flak over using it.  “Exclusive font” or some such nonsense…

PS - I found this ‘history’ of Wilderness Surfboards that says they started in 1966.  I wonder if that was when they started using that logo?  It’s obvious to me that those are the same font.


Aloha John, 

Your comment above reminded me of a conversation that I had with John Severson, ‘‘back in the day’’, about using the Pacific Vibrations font for a possible future model surfboard.       He was very gracious in saying the he had no objection to me using that lettering style.      I never persued the project, but your comment brought back the memory.      

Hi Bill - That font was a very unique style.  Nice of him to give permission.  The name is now being used on fins and surfboards but I don’t know if they asked permission…

Re: Pacific Vibrations and the lettering

Severson owned the rights to the poster art, since it was a commission done for him by Griffin. But the lettering itself was entirely a Griffin creation. Kind of a grey area when speaking of copying it for a product logo.

The actual lettering looks like this, which is quite different from what’s seen on that Pacific Vibrations board.

This is the cover of the movie program book.  I got it from Surfer Mag in 1970 for 25 cents. They sell for a bit more these days.

Kind of like the use of “Endless Summer” for all sorts of crap over the years.

I dont think that Brown ever trademarked the name of his movie? Would have been a smart move.

The font used by that surboard and fin company is ITC Ziggy or the free knock-off Action-is.



Are you branching out from doing surfboards with that product? :wink: