Guys, can anyone please tell me Speed Dialer nose/tail dims, bottom contours and fin placement specs please.
this is a very broad question.
Fin placement specs are available in the archives both here and the Surfamag Design forum - search JJR’s posts.
There’s also been some discussion about the bottom contours …
I was always interrested in them and I finally got to see some at a Fish Fry- there were several there , Pavel originals and a couple more by his acolytes.I went over them closely and they were all noticeably different, hull shape wise , although obviously the same theme. Hand shapes , machine shapes , diff. ghost shapers , sanders , y’ know ?
Vee in the nose , to double concave through the mid , to single concave through the fins and out the back - unusual , fascinating and obviously very successful…
’ concaves and quads ’ and ’ speed dialler dims help ?’ are good and there’s more
p.s. JJR is / was Lokbox on Sway’s
Thanks Fishin, Aussies by 10 in Brisy next week?:-D:P