Speed Egg

Looking at a good used 7’4" speed egg. I have a 9’ LB and a 6’2" mod fish.

In OH surf the fish seems short and I can’t make it outside with the LB. Would

a egg be good third board?



that speed egg looks like it’d be fun with a single-fin setup. sounds like what yr lookin for. long enough to get you out - small enough for an easy duckdive, catch waves easy, and maneuver.

For a just plain fun a well shaped egg in the size range you’re considering is a perfect addition to your quiver.

I think a thumbtail or a nice full roundtail is the best because it I like that seamless feeling in the turns, but that’s just one man’s opinion. A 7’5"x21.5" egg I shaped is attached just as a point of reference. It a gas in surf up to about shoulder high or in bigger surf that isn’t too critical.

I have past experience with Hammer surfboards. One of their riders who used to live here in town did a lot of fin tests for me. The board shapes are very good and they do very accurate high quality custom work.

I’m sure he configures his Speed Egg so that It’ll surf well as a single or with three fins. Put a bayne box in the middle of it so you have some options. I didn’t say as a quad did I?

Aloha, Rich