Speedcote application


What type of spray gun would I need to apply speedcote?

How should I go about applying it? I’ve only ever glossed and polished boards and this looks like a nice / easy alternative to seal the board.


I just use the same gun I use for painting - set on a wide fanned out spray patern. Wipe over with acetone before you spray - try and avoid dusty air and spray away - couldn’t be easier…mix it 2 parts laquer to one part thinners…dry in about 15 minutes.

What laquer are you using?

I’ve been thinking about trying this.

I use speed Kote white laquer with Speed Kote thinners…gives a whiter appearance to the board when finished. I buy mine from www.homeblown.co.uk but I guess their must be many suppliers over in the USA?



Great, thanks for your advice. Just a couple more questions, what grit do you need to sand to before application, how many coats should I apply, and does it need any sanding once applied ad dried?

Thanks very much,


I sand to 240 grit before applying speed kote and it only needs a single coat - when spraying I look down the length of the board and it should appear to have an even gloss like finish over the whole board - that way you know you’ve coated it well and there’s no need to sand after as it will dry off to a matt finish.

It is possibly the easiest process in making a board - you should have no problems.






Can you use that on painted boards? Do the colours remain the same?





Preferred to open old thread than start a new one. I have Seabase SpeedCote WB8 - is this the same stuff as is being referred to here? The reason I ask is because you spelled it Speed Kote and i notice this stuff exists so wondered which of the two you use? https://www.amazon.com/SpeedoKote-SMR-130-75-K-M-Automotive-Clearcoat/dp/B00M4L55A8

I have a clear board which has been hotcoated and sanded with 240 grit. I have quite a few light burn throughs, and I really don’t  want to add weight by doing another hotcoat top and bottom. 

I THINK the speedcote is a tough enough finish (as tough as resin?) to put it over now without hotcoating again, is that right? Or would it be best to hotcoat and make sure there is zero cloth showing before applying speedcote? It says it can be applied with brush or spray. I have both options but brush will be easier, I want a nice coarse sanded finish, so I assume brushing will be ok. Any tips appreciated. thanks