Spider looking marks on bottom of newer surfboard


Any help would be amazing guys,

What causes this on the bottom of a standard 4oz shortboard glass job?


My guess is that it was put down on something, and then something heavy was put down on top of it. It does not look like an impact to me. Either way… you gotta fix it.

Couple of things come to mind. You could have a brittle gloss coat over a more flexible sub strata.  The bonding between coats of resin might be weak.

…hello, that ONLY happen in these two cases:

1- somewhat like NJ surfer described or

2- the sander rushed the bottom lam when he sanded down by hand the deck lap with the edge of a hard sanding block.

Those are internals and you cannot fix it, but no problem at all.



Hey thanks guys thankyou for the replys I really appretiate that! and yes I do feel it is internal as my nail doesnt even get caught up at all in any of the marks.

Hey thanks guys thankyou for the replys I really appretiate that! and yes I do feel it is internal as my nail doesnt even get caught up at all in any of the marks.

its a china board,,, isnt it?

those guys glass fast and kick the resin way too fast,,,, verrwy, brittle it be

No its a USA board would UV cure resin be maybe the cause? Its not a big deal its working well and has been staying super white for how long I have surfed it (its newer but not brand new)

Definatly looks more like scratches.  You wouldn’t have to feel them with your finger nail.  Reason being they are shallow surface scratches.  Take a piece of 220, 300 or 400 and see if you can lighlty sand them away.  Hard to tell from the pic, but looks like your typical rock scratch to me.

…Substeel, no worries man, will stay White, as mentioned before, that s under the hot coat.


Hey McDing, check again the picture, its inside and always those scratches are inside

if he start to sand he ll fuck up the glass and finally the water will enter to the core.

Like I said;  Based on the photo;  Typical shallow “rock scratch” in the hotcoat.  Cosmetic.  I don’t see any thing strucural or any kind of flaw in the build.  You could prove me wrong if I could see the board in person.  But based on the photo it is as I stated,  And-------  hand sanding with some W’n’D 400 isn’t gonna flock anything up.

sorry substeel

I wasnt callin your board cheep,,, Ive seen some china boards look so sweet, nice glass job, except when you tweek the fins or grip the rails too tight they would fracture similar to what you showed,

If the crack wasnt there whern you got the board then something scratched it, the lines seem random they have no center point of impact, maybe getting rubbed in your car on something???

look at it with a magnifying glass,, maybe you will see it better,,,,,,I dont know ,,, its only a picture to me,,,, good luck go surf have fun

No Problem Kensurf I am very thankful for the replys. I am glad I found this site you guys all are awesome and I am very greatful for all the tips and advice!