spitzer finless induction surfboard / photos




here’s where you can view a few pics i have down loaded.

i’m still not sure how to just get the pics up without all the titles?


oh well give that a try.



Is the opening on the bottom the largest or the smallest?



try this:




are you able to surf this board " normally " or is more of an alaia type ride ?

I LOVE it!!!

Looks like a very large twin-tip kiteboard…

I’m really interested in the induction holes, what angle seemed best? are they angled at all or are they perpendicular to the deck??

Does the water shoot up out of the induction holes as you surf??

What’s your theory on the workings of the induction “port’s” ?.. “Port’s”, I like the sound of that…lol

How did you arrive on the spacing of the holes?, and their distance off the rails?.. I’m sure the location of the holes could be tweaked  for each board and rider…

What bottom contours did you settle on??

If for any reason , you don’t want to answer these questions, I will not be offended…

I can tell you thought / dreamed of this set-up for some time, and you deserve  ALL  the credit for it…

I’d like to do a kite-surfboard rendition, it looks like FUN!!

BTW… if you post this on the Surfer Mag message board, you’d better add lots of pictures and some  video, to please those there…  They’re a youthfull, visually driven, "show me " bunch there, from what I can tell…

i was thinking it looked like a wakeboard,…but ya,kiterider,you’re right it looks like a kite board as well.

the induction ports are toed out,…just the ops of multi-finned placements on surfboards. 

i’ll get back to ya ,probably tomorrow,got to go for now…family business/end of school year stuff.

til then



just like a finned board…plus an unlimited amount of varibles too boot !



Cool! What do they suck? Air or water.

Yeah Herb, the variables are unlimited… It would be nice to have the skills and access to high tech. computer simulations that would allow you to tweak this design without having to build 100 or 1000 prototypes to get the balance right…

I think that’s why a lot of the “odd” and revolutionary surf designs were dropped in the past,  simply because there wasn’t the tech. or disposeable cash to test  alternative designs…The shaper would have to shell out hard earned cash and time to build each proto.

 Look at the current reviews on ride quality of the majority of modern twin fin boards, and their resurection from the past, people know more now and apply that knowledge/tech.  to a fin set up that “looks the coolest” in my opinion…

hiya herb !!


  unfortunately for some reason the photos won't show for me


  a pity , because i was just thinking to myself the other day "i wonder what superchargerman  has been up to lately?"




pool toy!  (just kidding)

(photo deleted)


Perhaps you should protect/patent this idea??.. I don’t know…??

I’ve always been happy to let other kite-board builder friends know of my ideas, simply because that’s all they are, ideas, and dreams…

Your invention, and I’ll call it that,  because I’ve never seen anything similar,  would be a BLAST to try on a twin-tip kite board… Just think no fins, just induction ports and complimentary rails and outlines…

Thank you… Herb…")


I’d cut my induction ports from  hollow carbon fiber tube, and glue it into the core on the angles best suited to each board…

I assume you shaped, drilled out, then glassed foam, to seal each hole for the induction area???

Mitered, carbon tubes, glassed into the core might be a quicker install, and  a more accurate hole/port layout…

Just speculating, ,lol,      Sorry, just very stoked on your concept…

Bottom contours…  What’s right???   Single concave, flat,  double con or V bottom?       Would you add Bonzer like channels to compliment the port’s ??

WOW !!..Lot’s to think about!!










Where do those holes on the rail apex lead to, Herb?? Oh and I’d cut those tubes from PVC stock!  


Weird – so I guess you tried them toed in, too.  

Did you try bigger ones?  I’ve been thinking a lot about this thing – I wonder about slots, like the length of a fin base, and I was wondering about putting them where the rail fins would be, and then a couple of small holes at the corners… man, but when’s the video coming!!!

Herb, is it a photo illusion, or do each of the induction ports increase in their toe angles as the move up from the tail?  Looks wild.  Done a longboard with it yet?

Hey Herb - Or anyone kind enough to help out…

Would someone please the pics be put up on “tinypic.com” - I can’t get on “photo bucket” through my server…  And the suspense is killing me.


Thanks tons Janklow - 

Love to see video of it being ridden…