Spray adhesives

I know a bunch of people have been using elmers glue to glue up EPS balnks, I was wondering if anybody has experimented with any of the spray adhesives from 3m, not super 77 although this might works as well, Im talking about either the spray that is usually used to glue XTR or EPS to basement walls or whatever, and a thermset adhesive designed for foam. This seem like it would be a better alternative. i know probably the best alternative as far as permanent adhesion goes would be epoxy…but i’m trying to refien my process as much as possible and get a lighter weight board. I’ve also been laying some balsa inbetween the layers 1 full length of 3 feet in the middle of the board, and then then two pieces thorugh the tail block, im likeing hte results, was a little tricky figuring out how to do everyhting perfect but I think I’ve got it down now. the wood was adhered with epoxy on both sides… as well as one piece of 4oz for the entire board. I’m not worried baout its durablilty or adhesion but would love to get it lighter… I Aslo used Dcell top and bottom and wood rails, so although I liek the flex and the feel I want to get it much lighter. I wa thinking if the adhesion is good enough I could even use it for the PVC foam…

I’ve used 3M 77, Super 90(not recommended), and urethane glue. Gorilla glue works awesome. The 77 works really well too if you put a light coat on each surface.

The first time I bought EPS at Home Depot for a board I tried every spray adhesive in the rack there, on a corner of the insulation board. Every single one, when sprayed hard in one spot, ate the foam somewhat. Its probably the propellant and not the adhesive, but still. It would probably also be fine with a lighter application, but why risk it?

I’ve used Elmer’s with fine results. I’ve also used Gorilla Glue - actually the cheaper Elmer’s polypropylene glue - to glue d-cell to EPS and to glue balsa rail pieces to EPS. The Gorilla glue leaves a line which shapes almost as easily with a planer or surform as the EPS itself, while the Elmer’s dries to a hard line which can leave a ridge when shaping. The biggest problem with the polypro glue is that as it foams out, it leaves blobs and when your planer hits them it can tear out pits of foam. So you have to take them down to flat first before skinning across the whole thing.

I bet paint-on contact cement or veneer adhesive would also work. And would be easy to shape. Just stay away from the hydrocarbon propellants.

I should of just posted these links first, these adehesive I havent been able to find at any home depot, lowes, hardwares store, or anywhere yet…I’ll probably try and find them on the net somewhere.




The tacky glue stuff seems to work best for me, And the best part is it holds the foam together even if it’s not completley dry, unlike elmers where you have to wait until its completley hardened before it holds, and its easy to shape through. When gluing though don’t just dribble on random lines, because when thin the sheets out near the glueline, then it starts pulling the foam off and you have to be careful about that.

I logged on to ask a question about spray adhesives and came across this post. 3m makes a spray adhesive #6070 which is specifally for styro foam. I was wondering if anyone has tried it on EPS. I found it at Michael’s crafts, its about $8.00 a can.