spray and tint combined...

How well would a spray under a tint show up ?

I was wanting to spray the blank yellow, with possibly an orange and / or red overspray.

Then , laminate the board with a tint in the resin.

Has anyone done similar…if so, were the results any good ? What colours did you do ? Any photos , please ?

… thanks !


Structurally there is no difference. Color is an other issue. Really all depends on the color and opacity of the resin tint. Any tint even a light tint will alter the color of what it is going over. Basic color theory applies here. For instance, if you have a light green tint going over a yellow board, then you basically get a muddy orangeish hue that is rather unpleasant.

A blueish over yellow will then make the board a greenish hue.

If you are unfamiliar with color theory easiest thing to do is get a color wheel from an art store that shows all the relationships between the primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Not to difficult.

Or if you have access to Photoshop you could use that to test colors.
