Spray color on EPS

Anybody spaying color on EPS foam? I’m doing some test patches with Design Masters acrylic (it is the right material) and can’t stop the bleed under the tape. I’m using acrylic clear sealer first. Burnishing the tape edge hard and still bleeding. I know this can be done. Anybody what to give me a hand? Many thanks.

I airbrush it all with temprera… doesen’t do anything to it

Are you taking your plain shaped EPS blank and then spraying it with clear acrylic sealer?

Do you seal your blank with any other the other methods such as: microballoons, spackle, etc?

I too am trying to paint on EPS and am curious what other do when it comes the original seal

on the blank after it is shaped. I noticed that no matter how good you seal with spackle it will

never be uniform and therefore it makes your paint job look bad. How do you get around this?




I airbrush it all with temprera… doesen’t do anything to it

Are you kidding? Tempera, the watercolor washable paints my kid uses? Do you dilute it? Are you glassing with epoxy or poly? Spraying on the foam or under the hotcoat? We’ve got gallons of the stuff, so I wouldn’t mind trying it out.

Greg, try using lighter coats with multiple shots. The stuff dries quick so this is easy. If you still have problems try shooting the clear after you’ve taped off, then shoot your color. The clear will help seal the tape.

Guilty. I’ve been “drenching” it in my test blocks. I’ll go light with multiple coats and see if I’m ready for prime time. The tempera paint thing sounds interesting too. I guess you put in on with your fingers like in pre-school? Kidding. I’ll try a few test blocks with a foam brush. Thanks.

OK, back from the secret lab. Spray it lightly and no problems. Shoulda’ known. As for the tempera paint, it is hard to put on thin coats. Also, I had this overwhelming urge to make big hand prints and write “I love you Mommy”. I’m not sure I can use that board while others are present.

i have used tempra plenty of times on clark boards. works fine. got to be dolluted alot though.

you must be stoked havin greg the king of EPS/epoxy answering your questions :slight_smile:


understatement. He has been super generous with everyone here. Greg and a few others here have kept me and some of the other rookies on a very steep learning curve. I might even get good one day. One day.

Just ten boards a year. Ten good boards.

by the way Greg,

i was the kid who calle dyou asking where i could find some of your epoxy. the next day i drove down, met up with sammy and got some resin. I made myself a nice new board for hurricanes. i used your RR epoxy and s glass and it is seriously the lightest yet still strongest board i have made. It is also super white :). I’ll be coming down to Mel soon to pic up an EPS blank for my bro, and hopefully one for myself if i got some dough. Hopefully sometime when i come down youll be around.

thanks again


congratulations Dennis !!

I think that’s the first post EVER of yours without a spelling mistake. No capital ‘i’'s for " I " ,but… hey, not a bad effort anyway ! You only joined one wordtogether , too ? Keep it up , and maybe one day you’ll graduate from pre-school…oops, I mean high school.

[You spelt your name wrong though…is it DJK , or dk ??]

Okay, for those wondering…

this 16yo from Florida has been something of an inspiration to me during my time at Surfer's design  site... not afraid to make and  ride fish, single fins, mals, as well as epoxy thrusters. If only Perth kids were as aware , and open-minded ! 

Keep up the good work dk / DJK / Dennis !

....  ben  / "chipfish61" / 'chip' / " chippy" 

ps - you know it’s all in good fun, mate [… you give **** better than you get, eh !!!]


I airbrush it all with temprera… doesen’t do anything to it

Are you kidding? Tempera, the watercolor washable paints my kid uses? Do you dilute it? Are you glassing with epoxy or poly? Spraying on the foam or under the hotcoat? We’ve got gallons of the stuff, so I wouldn’t mind trying it out.

yea water based tempra works really well. I usally dilute it about 50% with water before I spray it on, and if it comes out kinda thin you can go over it again. I found the best way to do it is to put it on on the foam, then glass over it and it usally stays in place, but if you try under the hot coat it sometimes smears. Poly resin, comes out good, and teh best part is… Its cheap!


i forgot you sitll lurked around on here.

i been meaning to reply to your latest email. hows things in the “land down unda”? there’s a really good song by Pennywise called the land down under :slight_smile:

i dont mind when u bust me. as u know i will never cap my “I”'s…just takes to long. as long as you can decifer what i type i normally dont care about grammar mistakes and such.

i save the schooling for school…

by the way, DJK is my full initials…dk being the name of my boards (first and last initial)…dj being my real name

" D.J.K. " … deejay kramer ?

" Dat’s Jimminy Kricket ! "

Da Jahmann Kometh

Dis Johnny Kranksit !

 damnit, just kan't   do too much with a surname starting with "k" !! 

[Want to change your names, buddy ? Just can’t acronym you easily as you are !] t f a d …whole 'nother story !!
